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the answer is 8. because 2x2 equals 4 then 4x2 equals 8 so my finall answer is 8.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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Logan Smith

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βˆ™ 1y ago


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Q: What is the answer to 2x2x2 equals?
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The answer is 2. 2 cubed means 2 to the 3rd power or 2x2x2 which equals 8.

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Using exponets is easy. Like 23. This is 2 cubed. 23 equals 2.2.2. It is not 2x3. 2x2x2=8. Get it?

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It is written as 23 which means 2x2x2 which is the volume of a cube of edges 2, 2 and 2 and it equals 8

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1 + 8 + 64 + 125 = 198. Did you mean to miss out 27?

Does an exponent represent repeated multiplication?

I'm almost sure that it is this: if it is 2 to the 2nd power than it equals 4 (2x2) but if its 2 to the 3rd power than it equals 8 (2x2x2) and so on and so fourth. is this multipication =

Where do you buy a 2x2x2 rubik's cube?

theres no such thing as a 2x2x2 but there is a 2x2 which you can buy on amazon or toys r us Actually a 2x2 would be a 2-D figure considering it tells only 2 deminsions. A 2x2 doesn't exist but a 2x2x2 does. Just search google shopping for the 2x2x2.

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