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A bar.

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Q: What is the line over a decimal called?
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What is the line over a repeating decimal?

The line over a repeating decimal is called the vinculum.

What is the line over a decimal that goes on forever called?

periodic line

When there is a line over a decimal what does that mean and What is it called?

It means repeat that decimal forever with it's last digit.

What is the line over a repetitive decimal?

If there is a line over a decimal, it means the decimal is repetitive. If you are typing it would look like this... .7

How do you read a repeating decimal?

Either, the decimal with a line over what's repeating (eg. 0.6 with a line over it), or decimal repeating (eg. "point six repeating").

Is it rational or irrational if there is a line over the decimal?

A line over the decimal part of a number indicates that there is a part that recurs infinitely many times. Such numbers are rational.

What is the line called above a repeating decimal?

A Vinclulum

What is the the number 3333 after a decimal called?

If the threes go on indefinitely, then it is a repeating decimal, represented by a line over the repeated number, also .333...(going on forever) is equivalent to 1/3

What is barnotion?

The line over the digits that repeat in a repeating decimal.

In repeating decimals the line or bar placed over a repeating decimal?

It is placed over one length of repeating decimal digits.

How do you turn a decimal with a line over it into a fraction?

you move the decimal point 2 spaces to the right. and VOILA!

What is the decimal for the fraction 7 over 9?

The decimal for the fraction 7 over 9 is 0.7777…. This is a repeating decimal, which can be more cleanly expressed using a line (called a vinculum) over the repeating part, like this: 0.77 with a vinculum over the repeating portion of the number.