The long division box is called a "division bracket" or a "division bar." It is used to separate the dividend from the divisor in the long division process. The division bracket helps to organize the numbers and steps involved in dividing one number by another.
It is usually called the division bar or the fraction bar
It's called the vinculum, but it can also be called the fraction bar or division bar.
Yep, to do long division the box is called a division bracket.
The symbol separating the dividend from the divisor in a long division that is drawn as a right parenthesis (or sometimes a straight vertical bar) with an attached vinculum extending to the right seems to have no established name of its own. It can therefore simply be termed the "long division symbol," or sometimes the division bracket.
The long division box is called a "division bracket" or a "division bar." It is used to separate the dividend from the divisor in the long division process. The division bracket helps to organize the numbers and steps involved in dividing one number by another.
The long division symbol is called the vinculum or division bar. It is used to separate the dividend and divisor in a division problem.
It is usually called the division bar or the fraction bar
it can be called a solidas or i division bar
It's called the vinculum, but it can also be called the fraction bar or division bar.
Yep, to do long division the box is called a division bracket.
The result of Long division is called a quotient.
The symbol separating the dividend from the divisor in a long division that is drawn as a right parenthesis (or sometimes a straight vertical bar) with an attached vinculum extending to the right seems to have no established name of its own. It can therefore simply be termed the "long division symbol," or sometimes the division bracket.
Division bar
They are called these names: 1. solidus 2. fraction bar 3. division bar
the division box is called a division bracket
According to Wikipedia, it is called a vinculum.