121 is perfect three digit square palindrome. (11 x 11)
So is 484 (22 x 22) and 676 (26 x 26)
729, cube of 9 and square of 27
There are a total of 5 positive three-digit perfect cubes that are even. To find this, we first determine the range of three-digit perfect cubes, which is from 46 to 96. Then, we identify the even perfect cubes within this range, which are 64, 216, 512, 729, and 1000.
Well, let's see. Perfect cubes that are two digits: 27 64 Could it be 27? Well, 2+7 is 9, and that's a perfect square with a square root of 3, and the cube root of 27 is three. Looks like we've found our answer, especially since 6+4 = 10, which is NOT a perfect square.
10^2 = 6^2 + 8^2 ie 100 = 36 + 64
102 = 100 which is the first possible three digit number that is a perfect square. 312 = 961 which is the last possible three digit number that is a perfect square. So there are 22 three digit positive numbers that are perfect squares.
1, 2, 3
It is 10.
343 7*7=49 49*7=343
729, cube of 9 and square of 27
961 961
x64 is not a perfect square any number if it is a 3-digit perfect square and ending with 4 it can be 144,324 ,484 and 784 because the number is ending with 4 but the tens digit is not matching to any of the option so it is not a perfect square
It is: 31*31 = 961
No. The smallest 2 digit number is 10 the smallest 3 digit number is 100 - so the question is whether (100-10) is a perfect square? No - 90 is not a perfect square. 8x8 is 64 and 9x9 is 91, not 90.