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With a fair die, 1/6

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Q: What is the probability that the die will show the face with six dots?
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What is the anwer in getting the probability of a die less than 7?

As the maximum value of the dots on the face of a traditional dice is 6 the probability of throwing A die with the value of less than 7 is 100%.

Suppose you roll a die 3 times What is the probability that the face 6 will never show up?

The probability that a six will never show up in three rolls of a die is 125 in 216. The probability that a six will not show up in one roll is 5 in 6. Raise that to the third power to get 125 in 216.

What is the probability that the die will show one face?

all depends on how many sides it has. for a 6-sided, 1/6. a 20 sided, 1/20. see where i am going? The usual die always shows one face. The probability that a PARTICULAR face shows is 1 in 6

If you get polka dots on your face will you die?

your in sulting my grandma

What is the probability of getting 4 dots on top when a die is thrown once?

1in 6 chance

If a standard number cube or die is rolled what is the probability that a 4 does not land face up?

If a standard number cube or die is rolled, the probability that a 4 does not land face up is five out of six, or (six minus one) out of six.

You are throwing a 8 sided die with the numbers 1-8 inclusive on the sides What is the probability for each outcome?

If the die is a regular octahedron, then the probability for each face is 1/8.

How many dots are in a die?

There are exactly 21 dots on a die.

What is the probability of rolling a 9 if you have a 12 sided dice?

The probability of rolling a particular face in a 12 sided die is 1 in 12, or about 0.0833.

A die is rolled what is the probability that the die will show 4 5 or 6?

Assuming the die to be a cube, with each face having a number 1,2,3,4,5,6. Since there are 6 digits in total and only three are selected . The P(4,5,6) = 3 / 6 = 1/2 = 0.5

Example of theoretical probability?

Roll a fair cubic die. The theoretical probability of it ending up with any particular face on top is 1/6

What is the probability of rolling 2 sixes in a row with a single die?

It is a certainty. If the die is rolled often enough, the probability that two consecutive rolls show a six is 1.