Go 37 units of distance in any direction. Turn 90 degrees clockwise and go 37 units of distance in a straight line. Turn 90 degrees clockwise and go 37 units of distance in a straight line. Turn 90 degrees clockwise and go 37 units of distance in a straight line.
You will have travelled along a square route whose total distance is 148 units. Alternatively you could have turned counter clockwise each time.
The square roots of 148 are irrational number and so cannot be represented in fractional form.
The principal square root is the non-negative square root.
To simplify the square root of 5 times the square root of 6, you can multiply the two square roots together. This gives you the square root of (5*6), which simplifies to the square root of 30. Therefore, the simplified answer is the square root of 30.
No. The Square root of x is not the value of x. So it can not be simplified beyond: Root X + root 3x Yes. The square root of 3x equals the square root of 3 times the square root of x, so when you add another square root of x, you can factor out the square root of x, thereby simplifying the expression to the square root of x times the sum of one plus the square root of three.
square root 6
The square root of 148 is not an integer.
The square roots of 148 are irrational number and so cannot be represented in fractional form.
the square root of 148
The square root of 148
12 and 1/6 is the approximate answer...
There are 1,593.06 square feet in 148 square meters.
Use Pythagoras' theorem: 1272+76.22 = 21935.44 and the square root of this is 148.1061781 Answer: 148 to the nearest cm
The square root of the square root of 2
Let the coefficient by 'x' Hence its square root is x^(1/2) or x^(0.5) Then the square root again is [x^(1/2)]^(1/2) Third time over {[x^(1/2)]^(1/2)}^(1/2) Now the rules of indices are [x^(n)[^(m) = x^(nm) When terms are 'nested' , multiply together. Also x^(n) X x^(m) = x^(n+m) x^)n) / x^(m) = x^(n-m) However, the first rule (nesting) applies in this case, when you multiply the indices together/ Hence x^(1/2 X 1/2 X 1/2) = x^(1/8) , Which is the 8th root.!!!!!
square root of (2 ) square root of (3 ) square root of (5 ) square root of (6 ) square root of (7 ) square root of (8 ) square root of (9 ) square root of (10 ) " e " " pi "
There are infinitely many of them. They include square root of (4.41) square root of (4.42) square root of (4.43) square root of (4.44) square root of (4.45) square root of (5.3) square root of (5.762) square root of (6) square root of (6.1) square root of (6.2)