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Identity property of Multiplication c:

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Q: What property of multiplication is used to find equivalent fractions?
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In what situation can you use only multiplication to find equivalent fractions?


In what situation can you use only multiplication to find equivalent fractions to a given fraction give an example?

In what situtation can you use only multiplication to find equivalent fraction? Give an example

What situation can you use onkly multiplication to find equivalent fractions to a given fraction?

When the fraction is in simplest terms.

What property do you use when you find equivalent fractions?

Identity property of multiplication: States that when a given number is muliplied by one (fraction that equals 1) the result equals the given number.By reducing them to their lowest terms by means of their greatest common factors.

Why wouldn't you use division to find an equivalent fraction for 715?

If 7/15 is the simplest form, equivalent fractions will be greater. To make things greater, use multiplication.

What is an equivalent fraction with an answer of 25 in distributive property?

The distributive property is not related to finding equivalent fractions. The distributive property is a rule that states a(b + c) is equal to ab + ac. It is used to simplify expressions and perform operations like multiplication or addition. To find an equivalent fraction, you would need to multiply or divide the numerator and denominator by the same nonzero number.

What property of multiplication can you use to help you find the product?

The multiplicative property, probably.

What are some equivalent fractions for 14 out of 28?

If you look at a multiplication table you can find 14 and 28 on the 1 and 2 line. Any of the other matching numbers like 2 and 4, 3 and 6 etc would also be equivalent. That's a neat way to use the multiplication table.

Do you have to find the common denominator when you are multiplying fractions?

no. you can multiply straight across in fraction multiplication

Why are equivalent fractions important when adding and subtracting fractions?

Because to add or subtract two fractions you first have to find equivalent fractions for both which have the same denominator.

Find a common denominator for the pair of fractions. Then, write equivalent fractions with the common denominator?

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How can you find equivalent fractions to a given decimal?

You turn the decimal into a fraction. Then you can find the equivalent fraction.