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Q: What ratios are long-term lenders interested in?
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If you divide users of ratios into short term lenders long term lenders and stockholders which ratios would each group be most interested in?

free cashflow

What do lenders do?

As their name suggests, lenders lend money to their customers. This money is then paid back with interested added to it.

What ratios are stockholders interested in?

# The current ratio # return on equity # dividend rate # Gross Margin # Net income margin # qurterly and annual growth ratios

What is the origin of melanoma?

It is cancer of the skin and it can come from longterm overexposure to the sun without sunscreen or people can get it from longterm use of tanning beds.

Dividing users of ratios into short term lenders long term lenders and stockholders which ratios would each group be most interest in and for what reasons?

1 because short-termlenders liquidityconcern is with the firm'sability to pay short-termobligations as they come due.2 becauseLong-termlenders--leverageratiosare concerned with the relationship of debt to total assets.Long-termlenders--leverageratios will examine profitability to insure that interest payments can be made.3.becauseStockholders--profitabilityratios, with secondary consideration given to debt utilization, liquidity, and other ratios. Since stockholders are the ultimate owners of the firm, they are primarily concerned with profits or the return on their investment.

How do you cope with longterm unemployment?

find a job

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What longterm ideas are being overthrown?

The cause

Can you apply for a mortgage if you work 16 hours a week and get?

Money lenders are mainly interested in your ability to repay the loan. The hours or type of work is not of primary interest.

What are equivlent ratios?

when a number of ratios give the same answer after solving the ratios the ratios are said to be equivalent ratios

The longterm consequnces of the crusades?

An increase in the power of popes..

What do economists mean by longterm?

answer- longer than a year