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All of them apart from a circle

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Q: What shapes have corners that are square corners?
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How are a triangle and square alike?

they both have sides and corners. they both have sides and corners.

What shapes have exactly 4 sides and 4 corners?


What shape have the smallest number of corners of all of the shapes CircleTriangleRectangle Square Pentagon?

circle: no corner triangle: 3 corners rectangle and square:4 corners pentagon:5 corners

What shapes have five faces and five corners?

square based pyramid

Which shapes has four sides and four corners and all four sides are equal?

It is a square as square has 4 sides and all of them are equal. Also it has 4 corners.

What 4 shapes have 4 sides and 4 corners?

Square, Rectangle, Rhombus & Parallelogram

What shapes has 2 pairs of parallel sides and no square corners?

A parallelogram has 2 pairs of parallel sides, and provided that it isn't a square, it has no square corners. If necessary, you could call it an "oblique parallelogram" to indicate that it isn't square.

What shapes have square corners or right angles?

Quadrant, Right angle triangle, cube, cuboid, rectangle, square and others

What 2 shapes have the same amount of corners?

A square and rectangle are two of them out of many many more

What is the same about a rectangle and square?

They are both shapes. they are both a quadrilateral. 4 corners and 4 sides.

Which 2 shapes have 4 corners of 90 each what is the answer?

There is only the rectangle, with a square as a special case.

Hexagon octagon pentagon rectangle square and triangle which one has smallest number of corners of these shapes?
