I assume you mean degrees Fahrenheit. First you must remove heat to make ice not add it. Next, the amount depends largely on the quantity (mass) of water being frozen. Water has a enthalpy of fusion of 333.55 KJ / Kg This means that for each kilogram of water you must remove 333.55 kilo-Joules to make it into ice. A conversion factor of 1 : 0.9478 between KJ and BTU gives us 316.14 BTU per Kilogram of water.
It takes 1000 calories to heat 1 litre of water 1 degree C.
If it is fresh it is not frozen, and if it is frozen, it is not fresh. so the answer is simple: 0%If it is fresh it is not frozen, and if it is frozen, it is not fresh. so the answer is simple: 0%If it is fresh it is not frozen, and if it is frozen, it is not fresh. so the answer is simple: 0%If it is fresh it is not frozen, and if it is frozen, it is not fresh. so the answer is simple: 0%
A milliliter of water, by definition, weighs one milligram. That is its mass. When 150 mL of water freezes, the volume of the water will change, but the mass will remain the same. So 150 mL of water will weight 150 mg, no matter what state of matter it's in.
2.4705 watts/hour
At -35 degrees Celsius, water would be in a solid state, as it would be frozen and turned into ice.
Its frozen. In what form of ice depends on what degree temperature; OF, OC, OK
Ice (frozen water) melts at 32 degrees Fahrenheit.
Water at 0 degrees Celsius is in a solid state known as ice.
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Ice is basically made up of water (and a little bit of salt but not enough to melt any of the ice)you can say they are crystal of many droplets together or solid form of liquid water and also ice requires more space that a liquid water requires and Ice is formed at the temperatures like -1 degree and below exactly at 0 degree it will not convert 100% into ice it requires low temperature.
when the water is frozen
The compliment of a 100 degree angle is a 80 degree angle.
Greenland has the most frozen water. Greenland has the most frozen water.
Frozen water is stored as ice.
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frozen mix is the solute The water/ice is the solvent.