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You use the central limit theorem when you are performing statistical calculations and are assuming the data is normally distributed. In many cases, this assumption can be made provided the sample size is large enough.

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Q: When do you use the central limit theorem?
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Can you use the normal distribution to approximate the binomial distribution. Give reason?

Yes, and the justification comes from the Central Limit Theorem.

The mean of a sampling distribution is equal to the mean of the underlying population?

This is the Central Limit Theorem.

Why is central limit theorem important?

The central limit theorem is one of two fundamental theories of probability. It's very important because its the reason a great number of statistical procedures work. The theorem states the distribution of an average has the tendency to be normal, even when it turns out that the distribution from which the average is calculated is definitely non-normal.

What does the Central Limit Theorem say about the traditional sample size that separates a large sample size from a small sample size?

The Central Limit Theorem states that the sampling distribution of the sample means approaches a normal distribution as the sample size gets larger — no matter what the shape of the population distribution. This fact holds especially true for sample sizes over 30.

How do you see that the sampling distribution of the mean is normal?

According to the Central Limit Theorem, the mean of a sufficiently large number of independent random variables which have a well defined mean and a well defined variance, is approximately normally distributed.The necessary requirements are shown in bold.According to the Central Limit Theorem, the mean of a sufficiently large number of independent random variables which have a well defined mean and a well defined variance, is approximately normally distributed.The necessary requirements are shown in bold.According to the Central Limit Theorem, the mean of a sufficiently large number of independent random variables which have a well defined mean and a well defined variance, is approximately normally distributed.The necessary requirements are shown in bold.According to the Central Limit Theorem, the mean of a sufficiently large number of independent random variables which have a well defined mean and a well defined variance, is approximately normally distributed.The necessary requirements are shown in bold.

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What does the central limit theorem say about the shape of the sampling distribution of?

The Central Limit THeorem say that the sampling distribution of .. is ... It would help if you read your question before posting it.

What does the Central Limit Theorem state?

The Central Limit Theorem (abbreviated as CLT) states that random variables that are independent of each other will have a normally distributed mean.

What is the definition of central limit theorem?

The central limit theorem basically states that as the sample size gets large enough, the sampling distribution becomes more normal regardless of the population distribution.

Can you use the normal distribution to approximate the binomial distribution. Give reason?

Yes, and the justification comes from the Central Limit Theorem.

Why the central limit theorem tells us that it is OK to use the normal distribution to determine probabilities of x?

The Central Limit Theorem (CLT) says no such thing! In fact, it states the exact opposite.The CLT sets out the conditions under which you may use the normal distribution as an approximation to determine the probabilities of a variable X. If those conditions are not met then it is NOT OK to use the normal distribution.

The mean of a sampling distribution is equal to the mean of the underlying population?

This is the Central Limit Theorem.

Why is the central limit theorem an important idea for dealing with a population not normally distributed?

According to the Central Limit Theorem, even if a variable has an underlying distribution which is not Normal, the means of random samples from the population will be normally distributed with the population mean as its mean.

How do you calculate the uncertainty of an average of a set of results if each individual result has its own raw uncertainty?

You use statistical techniques, and the Central Limit Theorem.

What is the difference between Gamma distribution and Central limit theorem?

There is abig difference between them..gamma is a distribution but central limit theorm is just like a method or technique u use to approximate gamma to another distriution which is normal....stupid

The Central Limit Theorem defines large samples as having at least 36 elements?


What name do you give to the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of sample means?

the central limit theorem

How do you know x bar and R charts follow normal distribution?

Central Limit Theorem