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The normal distribution occurs when a number of random variables, with independent distributions, are added together. No matter what the underlying probability distribution of the individual variables, their sum tends to the normal as their number increases.

Many everyday measures are composed of the sums of small components and so they follow the normal distribution.

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What is the difference between a normal distribution and the standard normal distribution?

The standard normal distribution is a normal distribution with mean 0 and variance 1.

What is the difference of a normal distribution and a stardard normal distribution?

The standard normal distribution is a special case of the normal distribution. The standard normal has mean 0 and variance 1.

Is continuous distribution normal distribution?

le standard normal distribution is a normal distribution who has mean 0 and variance 1

When can you say the distribution is considered normal?

When its probability distribution the standard normal distribution.

Why normal distribution is called normal distribution?

Most random variables are found to follow the probability distribution function All this means is that most things which can be measured quantitatively, like a population's height, the accuracy of a machine, effectiveness of a drug on fighting bacteria, etc. will occur with a probability that can be calculated according to this equation. Since most things follow this equation, this equation is considered to be the "normal" probability density. "Normal" events follow a "normal" probability distribution.

Does a normal probability distribution include a bimodal distribution?

No, the normal distribution is strictly unimodal.

What is the difference between the normal distribution and Poisson distribution?

The normal distribution is a continuous probability distribution that describes the distribution of real-valued random variables that are distributed around some mean value.The Poisson distribution is a discrete probability distribution that describes the distribution of the number of events that occur within repeated fixed time intervals, where the mean frequency is a known value, and each interval is independent of the prior interval(s)/event(s).

Is the normal distribution infinite?

The domain of the normal distribution is infinite.

Is normal distribution also a probability distribution?

Yes. When we refer to the normal distribution, we are referring to a probability distribution. When we specify the equation of a continuous distribution, such as the normal distribution, we refer to the equation as a probability density function.

How does standard normal distribution differ from normal distribution?

The standard normal distribution has a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.

What is symmetrical normal distribution?

The Normal distribution is, by definition, symmetric. There is no other kind of Normal distribution, so the adjective is not used.

Which normal distribution is also the standard normal curve?

The normal distribution would be a standard normal distribution if it had a mean of 0 and standard deviation of 1.