180 ÷ 32 = 5 with remainder 20
Yes, you can have a remainder of 5 when you divide by 6. If you divide 11 by 6, it will go into it one time with a remainder of 5.
To change 32/7 into a mixed number, divide 32 by 7 and the remainder will be the fraction: 32 ÷ 7 = 4 r 5 = 4 5/32
180 ÷ 32 = 5 with remainder 20
It is 228 with a remainder of 8.
Yes, you can have a remainder of 5 when you divide by 6. If you divide 11 by 6, it will go into it one time with a remainder of 5.
To change 32/7 into a mixed number, divide 32 by 7 and the remainder will be the fraction: 32 ÷ 7 = 4 r 5 = 4 5/32
Your question's meaning eludes me. You can divide any number by 5, whether or not it is a remainder, and why would you want to divide a remainder by 5 anyway?
27/5 = 5 remainder 2
Well, darling, when you divide any number by 5, the largest remainder you can get is 4. Why? Because when you divide by 5, the remainders can only be 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4. So, if you wanna keep it simple and sassy, the largest remainder with a divisor of 5 is 4.