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I believe it is all to do with diffusion.

The solvent particles will move from an area of high concentration to the area of low concentration (the cell).

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Q: Why do solvent particles flow into the cell when the initial volume is below 50 percent?
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Volume percent (v/v %) is defined as: volume percent = [(volume of solute) / (volume of solution)] x 100% Volume percent is handy when preparing solutions of liquids. Concentration of a solution can be stated in volume percentages. Be aware that volume of solution is in formula denominator, not volume of solvent. Thus to get 10% v/v solution of ethanol in water you can take 10 ml of ethanol and add enough water to have total 100 ml of resulting solution. It is worth to mention volumes of solute and solvent cannot be simply added to get volume of solution. For instance if you add 10 ml of ethanol to 90 ml of water the volume of the solution will be less than 100 ml.

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percent concentration = (mass of solute/volume of solution) X 100 To solve for mass of solute, mass of solute = (percent concentration X volume of solution)/100 So, mass of solute = (10% X 100mL)/100 = 10g

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Dilute solution contain small amounts of solute for a certain volume of solvent.

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generally, a polymer gets dissolved in a solvent (which implies lower density and higher volume). the higher the temperature, the quicker the process, so to answer: the intrinsic volume for a polymer in a particular solvent increases with the temperature.

Is solvent greater than or less than the volume of solute?

The solvent is the greater of the two dissolved quantities.