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This process is to make life easier, in ways.

For example:




As with multiplication, the numerators stick together and denominators stick together

In this case

1/1 (numerators) and 3/3 (denominators)

In this case, this question works out nicely to one (1/1=1, 3/3=1, therefore the question equals 1/1 or 1)

However, this is not always the case.

An example of this would be:




Obviously, here we get decimal places in the denominator, which is not allowed in math (neither are decimals allowed in numerators).

Lets go back to the first question.

What if we changed the division sign to multiplication and made the second fraction a reciprocal?

We get:

1/3 1 3

---- := --- x ---

1/3 3 1

Then do the multiplication

1x3 = 3

3x1 = 3

Then calculate the fraction

3/3 = 1

Well what do you know! It's the same as the previous answer.

Does this work all the time? Yes.

Why does it work? Well, that's because reciprocal is just the other end of the spectrum when calculating. For example, when dividing a number by two, you could make that into a reciprocal (now 1/2) and multiply them, getting the same answer.

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Q: Why do they change the division sign to multiplication and change the divisor to its reciprocal?
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Division by a number is the same as multiplication by its reciprocal. That is, n / a = n * (1/a) and as you should know, (1/a) is the reciprocal of a.

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Division is the multiplication by the reciprocal or multiplicative inverse. In simpler language, to divide by a fraction change the division sign to multiplication and flip the fraction.

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In dividing fractions you have to change division to multiplication and change the second fraction into a recipracol(flip the fraction.

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keep change flip - which means keep the first # - chage the division sign to multiplication- The reciprocal means flip the 2 # ex.7/2-2/7.

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A reciprocal is when you take the second fraction in a division problem and flip it Then change the sign to multiply. THIS ONLY WORKS WHEN YOU ARE DIVIDING FRACTIONS!

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when you divide fractions you need to flip the second fraction to get the reciprocal eg. 4 over 5 would be 5 over 4 then after you flip the second fraction you change the division sign into a multiplication sign and you multiply.


You use KFC in maths to divide fractions. Firstly, you keep the first fraction. Secondly, you flip the second fraction. The result of doing this is a reciprocal. Thirdly, you change the division sign to multiplication. Then you can easily multiply the two new fractions.

Why change mixed numbers to improper fractions?

For addition, subtraction, division and multiplication with other fractions

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Not if the fraction is positive. But yes if the fraction is negative. Study the rules of multiplication and division by integers, and you wil see why. Multiplication by a fraction is simplty multiplication by one integer followed by division by another (or the other way round).

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Multiplication and division are both alike because they use the same numbers so for example if you had the operation 5x3=15 and you wanted to turn it into a division equation all you do is flip the multiplied equation around and change the sign..15÷3=5. Hope this helped you.

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Whenever you divide fractions, you're supposed to multiply by the reciprocal. So, in this case, you make the division sign a multiplication sign and change the 12/5 to 5/12. The question would then by 6/7 times 5/12. The answer is 5/14.

How come you change a division sign into a multiplication sign for dividing fractions?

Flip the fraction around (the one after the division sign) and change it to a multiplication sign. (swap the numerator with the denominator) so 2/(3/10) = 2*(10/3) The reason you do so is if you think of multiplication and dividing revolving around the number 1, in multiplying if you are above 1 then you are increasing if you are lower you are increasing. The opposite is the same of division. Effectively, if you think about it multiplication is the inverse of division and the other way around as well, so by flipping the fraction you are inverting it, so instead of dividing by 0.5 you multiply by 2. I hope this makes sense, it could be shown algebraically, but it is probably easier to understand this way.