ounces because a leaf does not weigh that munch
The unit of measure typically used to measure a hammer is ounces or pounds. This is because hammers are typically categorized by their weight, which can range from a few ounces to several pounds. The weight of a hammer is an important factor in determining its effectiveness for different tasks and the amount of force it can deliver.
I would measure it in grams
Most likely 34 ounces.
Ounces would be best.
4.7 kilograms would measure to 10.3617 pounds. 10.3617 pounds equals to 10 pounds and 5.7876 ounces. There is 16 ounces in 1 pound.
Not many mice weigh over 3 ounces at most, so what would you think.
Depends on the dog, but it would most likely be 15 pounds.
U would use pounds people think.
ounces because a leaf does not weigh that munch
No, you would measure cows in pounds.
You would measure a dog's weight in pounds--if that is your question.