If not p, then not q means that if something is not true or does not happen (p), then something else is also not true or does not happen (q).
In the statement "p implies q," the relationship between p and q is that if p is true, then q must also be true.
The statement "If not q, then not p" is logically equivalent to "If p, then q."
The statement "p if and only if q" is true when both p and q are true, or when both p and q are false.
The statement "p implies q" can be expressed as "not p or q" using the logical operator "or" and the negation of "p".
Yes, modus ponens is a valid form of deductive reasoning in logic. It involves deriving a conclusion from two premises: if p then q (p ā q) and p are true, then q must also be true.
Converse: If p r then p q and q rContrapositive: If not p r then not (p q and q r) = If not p r then not p q or not q r Inverse: If not p q and q r then not p r = If not p q or not q r then not p r
The sum of p and q means (p+q). The difference of p and q means (p-q).
Not sure I can do a table here but: P True, Q True then P -> Q True P True, Q False then P -> Q False P False, Q True then P -> Q True P False, Q False then P -> Q True It is the same as not(P) OR Q
q + p
If p = 50 of q then q is 2% of p.
If p then q is represented as p -> q Negation of "if p then q" is represented as ~(p -> q)
P! / q!(p-q)!
The assertion in the question is not always true. Multiplying (or dividing) 0 by a negative number does not yields 0, not a negative answer.Leaving that blunder aside, let p and q be positive numbers so that p*q is a positive number.Thenp*q + p*(-q) = p*[q + (-q)] = p*[q - q] = p*0 = 0that is p*q + p*(-q) = 0Thus p*(-q) is the additive opposite of p*q, and so, since p*q is positive, p*(-q) must be negative.A similar argument works for division.
By definition, every rational number x can be expressed as a ratio p/q where p and q are integers and q is not zero. Consider -p/q. Then by the properties of integers, -p is an integer and is the additive inverse of p. Therefore p + (-p) = 0Then p/q + (-p/q) = [p + (-p)] /q = 0/q.Also, -p/q is a ratio of two integers, with q non-zero and so -p/q is also a rational number. That is, -p/q is the additive inverse of x, expressed as a ratio.
The relational operators: ==, !=, =.p == q; // evaluates true if the value of p and q are equal, false otherwise.p != q; // evaluates true of the value of p and q are not equal, false otherwise.p < q; // evaluates true if the value of p is less than q, false otherwise.p q; // evaluates true if the value of p is greater than q, false otherwise.p >= q; // evaluates true of the value of p is greater than or equal to q, false otherwiseNote that all of these expressions can be expressed logically in terms of the less than operator alone:p == q is the same as NOT (p < q) AND NOT (q < p)p != q is the same as (p < q) OR (q < p)p < q is the same as p < q (obviously)p q is the same as (q < p)p >= q is the same as NOT (p < q)
The truth values.