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It depends on the frame of reference (where it is).On Earth a body on a table is still rotating around the centre of the Earth. This implies a change of direction and thus having a velocity around the centre and an acceleration acceleration due to centripetal force that makes a body follow a curved path.

Eben without this the body is orbiting the sun with the same impact

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An object at rest has by definition zero velocity. However, because an object at rest on a table is maintaining its zero velocity, it must also have zero acceleration.

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Q: Can a body resting on a table have zero velocity and nonzero acceleration?
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Why does the grain of a table go along its length instead of its width?

For a rectangular table resting on four legs, the load of the stuff on the table puts the highest stress in the long direction. In that direction, the wood is much stronger, so the table can hold a lot more than if the grain went the other way.

If a ball rolls off the edge of a table two meters above the floor and with an initial velocity of 20 meters per second what is the ball's acceleration and velocity just before it hits the ground?

The horizontal velocity has no bearing on the time it takes for the ball to fall to the floor and, ignoring the effects of air resistance, will not change throughout the ball's fall, so you know Vx. The vertical velocity right before impact is easily calculated using the standard formula: d - d0 = V0t + [1/2]at2. For this problem, let's assume the floor represents zero height, so the initial height, d0, is 2. Further, substitute -g for a and assume an initial vertical velocity of zero, which changes our equation to 0 - 2 = 0t - [1/2]gt2. Now, solve for t. That gives you the time it takes for the ball to hit the floor. If you divide the distance traveled by that time, you know the average vertical velocity of the ball. Double that, and you have the final vertical velocity! (Do you know why?) Now do the vector addition of the vertical velocity and the horizontal velocity. Remember, the vertical velocity is negative!

A ball rolls off a table and falls 80 m to the floor landing with a speed of 4.5 ms What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the ball just before it strikes the ground?

It's 9.81m/s since vertical acceleration is always constant.

A ruler is on the table with the higher numbers to the right. An ant crawls along the ruler from 6 cm to 2 cm in 2 seconds. Describe the ants distance displacement speed and velocity?

A tyrant

What is a word table?

When you insert a table into a document, you must specifi the STYLE of a table

Related questions

Does a dish resting on a table have constant acceleration?

No, a dish resting on a table does not have constant acceleration. In fact, it has zero acceleration because it is not moving. Constant acceleration only occurs when an object's velocity changes at a constant rate over time.

Is a book at rest on a table with gravity pulling down an example of acceleration?

Acceleration is zero in this case. Acceleration means the velocity is actually changing.

Is acceleration due to gravity act on a body resting on a table zero?

Yes, when an object is resting on a table, the acceleration due to gravity acts vertically downward, but the table exerts an equal and opposite force (normal force) on the object in the upward direction, canceling out the effect of gravity. Therefore, the net acceleration on the body is zero.

How can an object moving at a constant speed have a nonzero acceleration?

Let's review some terms before we tackle this one. Speed is displacement per unit of time. We know 60 miles per hour is a speed. Velocity is speed with a direction vector associated with it. We know 60 miles per hour east is velocity. Acceleration is a change in velocity. That means if an object changes its speed or its direction or both, it is accelerating.If an object has a given velocity and it slows down or speeds up, it is accelerated. But if the same object changes direction without a change in speed, it is still experiencing acceleration. A force had to act on the object to change its direction, even though its speed didn't change. Thus, an object can accelerate even though it does not change speed.

An object always accelerates in the same direction as what?

An acceleration is a change in velocity. Velocity is a vector quantity; it tells you about both an object's speed and its direction of travel (vectors are often represented as arrows; the length of the arrow is the magnitude, here the speed, and it points in the relevant direction). So you can see that a change in either an object's speed or direction counts as a change in velocity, and is therefore an acceleration.

How can there be force without acceleration?

Force without acceleration can occur when the force is balanced by an equal and opposite force, resulting in equilibrium. In such cases, the net force on an object is zero, meaning there is no overall acceleration. An example of this is an object resting on a table, where the force of gravity is balanced by the normal force exerted by the table.

Why acceleration due to gravity in water than less than outer side relation?

The acceleration due to gravity on or close to the earth's surface is always g, (981cm/s/s). An object can be restricted from achieving this in many ways eg putting it on a table top. Nobody asks why the acceleration due to gravity is zero on table tops. Water also restricts acceleration due to viscosity, which, as for parachutes in air, will be velocity dependent. So the short answer is, in water the object is in a restricting environment, unlike in free fall where the acceleration will be g.

Equal and opposite forces that do not produce an acceleration?

Equal and opposite forces that do not produce an acceleration are called balanced forces. When these forces act on an object, the net force is zero, causing the object to remain at rest or to move at a constant velocity without changing its speed or direction.

What forces are acting on a box resting a table?

The main forces acting on a box resting on a table are the gravitational force pulling it downwards and the normal force exerted by the table supporting the weight of the box. These forces are balanced when the box is at rest.

What force is acting is acting on the book resting on a table?

The force acting on the book when it is resting on a table is the gravitational force pulling the book downwards. This force is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the normal force exerted by the table on the book, keeping it in equilibrium.

What acts perpendicular to the surface of a book resting on a table and balances the weight of the book?

The normal force acts perpendicular to the surface of the book and balances the weight of the book when it is resting on a table. This force arises from the interaction between the book and the table, supporting the book and preventing it from falling through the table.

What is an example of a balanced force acting on an object?

One example of a balanced force acting on an object is a person pushing a shopping cart with a constant velocity on a flat surface. The force applied by the person pushing the cart is balanced by the frictional force and air resistance acting on the cart, resulting in no acceleration in any direction.