The unit price helps you to compare the true cost of an item. Let's say an item is priced $4.00 for a 32oz package, and $2.40 for a 20oz package, it is not readily clear which is a bargain. However the unit price of the 32oz package is 4/32 = 12.5 cents per ounce and the unit price of the 20oz package is 12.0 cents per ounce. If you have a large family and want to buy 160oz of the product, you can buy 160/32 = 5 packages of 32oz which will cost you 160x12.5 = $20 or you can buy 160/20 = 8 packages of 20oz which will cost you 160x12 = $19.20
Thus the unit price will help you determine quickly which package is a better buy.
Take the total price and divide it by the number of units, to find out unit price.
In my openion , Unit Selling price is the price per unit or item offered by a Seller to purchaser. IT might be without discount or with discount.
If you divide the price by the number of units purchased, you'll get the price per unit.
A linear equation may be used to convert a unit price to a price for the quantity that you want. For example, if one bottle of drink costs C units then (at that same price) 5 bottles will cost 5*C units. It is used in the same way by businesses.
In a Gun Shop
A unit rate used to compare prices is called a [UNIT PRICE]
unit price
Usually stated as price per unit: This is a generic term that is used by all levels of purchasing, manufacturing and sales in business. The Sales department will most commonly use price per unit (or unit price) but not exclusively. It just means what the price is per individual item be it a transistor, bag of peas or a 737 aircraft.
what is the unit price of diamorphine
try eBay, or your local Indy shop
unit price
Unit price is how much you sell an item for.
Usually stated as price per unit: This is a generic term that is used by all levels of purchasing, manufacturing and sales in business. The Sales department will most commonly use price per unit (or unit price) but not exclusively. It just means what the price is per individual item be it a transistor, bag of peas or a 737 aircraft.
Price for foodstuffs etu, stated of shown as the cost per unit as per pound per kilogram.
unit selling price
Unit price is a valuation method for buyers who purchase bulk