The decimal (sometimes decimel) is an "outdated" unit of area that is still used in more rural parts of Bangladesh and India. It's about 1/100th of an acre, or about 40.46 square meters. That's about 435.5 square feet. On a regulation football field, that's the area from the goal line to about the 27 yard line, and the width of the field, if that helps.
1 decimal or decimel is 1/100 of Acre. 1 Acre is approximately equal to 4046 square metre or 43559.6 square feet. That means 1 decimal Area is equal to 40.46 square meter or 435.6 square feet. by Maheshwar Munda,
how many gag is there in 396.5 square feet
1900 square feet..
1 acre = 43,560 square feet
There are 43560 square feet in one acre. Therefore, 5000 square feet is equal to 5000/43560 = 0.1147842056932966023875 recurring (that is, 0.11478420569329660238751147842056932966023875...) acres.
There are approximately 138.88 square yards in 116 square meters.
One decimal = 435.6 square feet.
1 decimal = 435.6 square feet.
435 square feet
1 decimal = 435.6 sq feet.
A decimal point is a point, and that an ideal point has no dimensions (no width, no length, no height). So the answers is: there are no square feet in one decimal.
In Bangladesh, decimal is still used in some places as land measurement. Usually one decimal equals 100 acres and one acre equals 43559.99 square feet. You can now easily convert decimal to square feet! so 43559.99 square feet times by 100 equals 4355999 square feet in one decimal.
33,613,544,400 square feet or 33.6 billion square feet (rounded).
435.6 sq feet
Approx 436 sq feet.
Usually one decimal equals 100 acres and one acre equals 43559.99 square feet. You can now easily convert decimal to square feet! Hope it helped ;)
1 kattha =1.65 decimal in jharkhand and 1 decimal = 435.6 square feet. So 1 kattha =718.74 square feet in jharkhand.
A decimal is a way of representing numbers. It has no magnitude of its own and so a decimal cannot be equivalent to any square feet. The question is like asking how many metres in an integer!