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6 times what equals 32

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Lvl 1
4y ago

6 x 5 =30

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Q: How may 24x24 tiles for a 6'x6' room?
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How may 12x12 inches tiles needed for 12x10 feet room?


How many 12 x 12 tiles do you need for a 320 sq ft room?

You need about 310 to 325 12x12 ceramic tiles for a 320 sq-ft room. Many tile dealers let you return unused tile. If your dealer does this, you should over-buy. You will probably break some, and the joint spacing may have an effect on the number of tiles required.

How many 12 inch tiles do you need for 50 square foot room?

This may surprise you - but the answer is.... 50 ! Unless the room is 50 feet by 50 feet - in which case the number you would need is 2500 !

How may square foot for 6feetx6feet?

to work out the area, times the length by the width.6x6=36

What Scrabble tiles may be used as any desired letter?

blank tiles that do not contain a letter

A room measuring 8 feet 6 inches by 12 feet. How many 6 inch by 6 inch tiles need to cover floor?

8 ft 6 in X 12 ft = 102 sq ft 102 sq ft X 4 tiles/sq ft = 408 tiles Get a few extra in case some crack. You may be glad later that you had a few replacement tiles.

How many tiles would you need for a 12x12 room?

The answer definitely depends on the size of each tile. That information may have been in the part of the question that came before the part that you copied.

How many 24x24 tiles needed for 120 sq ft?

I assume the measurement is in inches (it would have been helpful to say, because the measurement is vital!). So these are 2ft x2ft=4sq ft. 120 sq ft divided by 4 sq ft is 30 tiles. If the shape of the 120 sq ft is something odd like 7.5ft x 16ft etc there is a lot of awkward cutting to do, and in some cases there will be wastage, so think ahead, you may need more.

Area of 3.33 square meters how may tiles will you need if tiles are 3 by 3 centimeters?


What are corrugated tiles?

Corrugated tiles means sheets of tiles that are using for building purpose. Such materials are using for design and making house roof looking great. Such tiles are May available in stores like wholetiles

How many boxes of 12x12 tiles in a 117foot room?

Your answer depends on how many tiles come in each box. All brands of tile are different - your boxes may contain 5, 7, 10, 12, 15, or 18 tiles in each box. Do you mean to say your room is 117 SQUARE feet? If each tile measures 12" x 12" (or one foot by one foot), then each tile is one square foot. With this size of tile, the math is easy. You'd need 117 tiles. Check the labeling on your boxes, and do the math: 117 square feet divided by the number of tiles in each box. The result is the number of boxes you'll need.

How many 2'x2' tiles needed for a 16'x33' room?

You have to multiply out your square feet in the room. 16'x33' = 528' then divide that by the square feet in each tile. 4' sqft in each which gives you 132 tiles needed. This does not include grout lines and depending on your tile it maybe slightly less than 2'x2' to make up for the spacing. So you need 132 tiles plus 10% for mistakes and extras. So be aware of your tile sizes...what is printed on the box may or may not be the exact size. Some brands of tile allow for the grout in their sizing.