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Mathematically you can call the short side width and long side length or you can call the short side length and long side width. In practice, usually we specify the width is shorter than the length.

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8y ago

No, not necessarily! In fact, much of the time, the length of an object usually longer the width of it. For examples, consider what you know just by seeing them of these LxW objects:

  1. a standard door - taller than the width
  2. a coffee table - longer than the width
  3. a dining room table - longer than the width
  4. a refrigerator - taller than it is wide
  5. a waste paper basket - taller than it is wide
  6. a regular sized auto (car) - longer than it''s width
  7. even a ruler used to measure inches and feet is longer than it is wide
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Q: Is the width of an object usually more than its length?
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OK so we have two formulas: Length = width + 5 (since legth is 5 more than width) length + width + length + width = perimeter= 82 (form. for perm.) so we can replace every instance of "length" with "width + 5" since they are the same. width + 5 + width + width + 5 + width = 82 4xwidth + 10 = 82 4X width = 72 width = 23 so now go back and replace "width" with 23. length = 23 + 5 length = 28 There you go.

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