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The answer is 49.0 m/s

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Q: Suppose a rock is dropped off a cliff with an initial speed of 0 miles per second What is the rock's speed after 5 seconds in miles per second if it encounters no air resistance?
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Suppose a rock is dropped off a cliff with an initial speed of 0 What is the rock's speed after 5 seconds in if it encounters no air resistance?


Suppose a rock is dropped off a cliff with an initial speed of 0 ms What is the rock's speed after 3 seconds in ms if it encounters no air resistance?


Suppose a rock is dropped off a cliff with an initial speed of 0 ms What is the rock's speed after 5 seconds in ms if it encounters no air resistance?


Suppose a rock is dropped off a cliff with an initial speed of 0 m per sec What is the rocks speed after 5 seconds in m per sec if it encounters no air resistance?

9.8m/s(5)= 49

Suppose a rock is dropped off a cliff with an initial speed of 0 ms What is the rocks speed after 3 seconds in ms if it encounters no air resistance?

The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2Speed after 3 sec = (9.8 x 3) = 29.4 m/s

If a Rock is dropped off a cliff with an initial speed of 0 ms What is the rock's speed after 3 seconds in ms if it encounters no air resistance?

speed is decided by v = a(t), where t is your time variable and a is your acceleration constant. after 3 seconds, your velocity v = (9.8m/s2)(3s) = 29.4m/s

Suppose a rock is dropped off a cliff with an initial speed of 0 miles per second What is the rocks speed after 3 seconds in miles per second if it encounters no air resistance?

The acceleration of gravity is 32.1 ft/sec2 .After 3 seconds, the rock's downward speed is (3 x 32.1) = 96.3 ft/sec.(96.3 ft/sec) x (1 mi / 5,280 ft) = (96.3 / 5,280) (ft - mi / sec - ft) = 0.0182 mile/sec (rounded)

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