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The answer depends on the sequence. The ratio of terms in the Fibonacci sequence, for example, tends to 0.5*(1+sqrt(5)), which is phi, the Golden ratio.

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That depends on the sequence.

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Is the Fibonacci sequence the golden ratio?

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A static sequence: for example a geometric sequence with common ratio = 1.

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The Fibonacci sequence can be used to determine the golden ratio. If you divide a term in the sequence by its predecessor, at suitably high values, it approaches the golden ratio.

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It is an arithmetic sequence (with constant difference 0), or a geometric sequence (with constant ratio 1).

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What is the difference between the golden ratio and the Fibonacci sequence?

The fibbonacci sequence is a sequence of numbers starting with one where each number is the sum of the two numbers before it. The sequence goes 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89, and so in. The ratio of any number in the sequence to the number just before it (like 55/34, or 13/8) gets closer and closer to the golden ratio, 1.618033989.