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Q: A model used to find experimental probability?
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How does the experimental result differ from the theoretical in terms of accuracy?

Provided that the correct model is used, the theoretical probability is correct. The experimental probability tends towards the theoretical value as the number of trials increases.Provided that the correct model is used, the theoretical probability is correct. The experimental probability tends towards the theoretical value as the number of trials increases.Provided that the correct model is used, the theoretical probability is correct. The experimental probability tends towards the theoretical value as the number of trials increases.Provided that the correct model is used, the theoretical probability is correct. The experimental probability tends towards the theoretical value as the number of trials increases.

When you win a lotto is this an example of experimental or theoretical probability?

Neither. Experimental or theoretical probabilities are methods that may be used to determine the probability that a given set of numbers will win, whereas your winning is the outcome of the event.

Definition of theoretical probability?

The term "theoretical probability" is used in contrast to the term "experimental probability" to describe what the result of some trial or event should be based on math, versus what it actually is, based on running a simulation or actually performing the task. For example, the theoretical probability that a single standard coin flip results in heads is 1/2. The experimental probability in a single flip would be 1 if it returned heads, or 0 if it returned tails, since the experimental probability only counts what actually happened.

How do experimental probability and theoretical probability are related?

EXPERIMENTAL PROBABILITYExperimental probability refers to the probability of an event occurring when an experiment was conducted.)In such a case, the probability of an event is being determined through an actual experiment. Mathematically,Experimental probability=Number of event occurrencesTotal number of trialsFor example, if a dice is rolled 6000 times and the number '5' occurs 990 times, then the experimental probability that '5' shows up on the dice is 990/6000 = 0.165.On the other hand, theoretical probability is determined by noting all the possible outcomes theoretically, and determining how likely the given outcome is. Mathematically,Theoretical probability=Number of favorable outcomesTotal number of outcomesFor example, the theoretical probability that the number '5' shows up on a dice when rolled is 1/6 = 0.167. This is because of the 6 possible outcomes (dice showing '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6'), only 1 outcome (dice showing '5') is favorable.As the number of trials keeps increasing, the experimental probability tends towards the theoretical probability. To see this, the number trials should be sufficiently large in number.Experimental probability is frequently used in research and experiments of social sciences, behavioral sciences, economics and medicine.In cases where the theoretical probability cannot be calculated, we need to rely on experimental probability.For example, to find out how effective a given cure for a pathogen in mice is, we simply take a number of mice with the pathogen and inject our cure.We then find out how many mice were cured and this would give us the experimental probability that a mouse is cured to be the ratio of number of mice cured to the total number of mice tested.In this case, it is not possible to calculate the theoretical probability. We can then extend this experimental probability to all mice.It should be noted that in order for experimental probability to be meaningful in research, the sample size must be sufficiently large.In our above example, if we test our cure on 3 mice and all of these are cured, then the experimental probability that a mouse is cured is 1. However, the sample size is too small to conclude that the cure works in 100% of the cases.R\

Why do you not need to use three coins to figure out the probability of how many tails?

The greater the number of coins used, the closer your experimental probability will be to the true value. However, you may never ever get the precise probability - even if you toss a trillion coins!

Did gh hardy and Wilhelm weinberg used algebra and probability to model natural selection?

No, the two of them used algebra and probability to model population biology, not natural selection, however similar the two may be.

What leucippus and democritus experimental design used in their atomic model?

the deviced he use is just imaginary

How can some strategies be used to find experimental probabilities?

A tree diagram!

What is the math definition of experimental?

The word "experimental" is usually used to describe data that have come from an actual test or experiment. These data are opposite to "theoretical" data, which are only educated guesses at what the data should look like. In statistics, theoretical probability is used a lot. For example, if I flip a coin, in theory, it would land on each side half of the time. Perform some trials, however, and this percentage may be skewed. The experimental data that you collect probably wouldn't exactly match the theoretical probability.

In what experimental situation might a bacterium be the best type of model organism to use?

One that used prokaryotes would be the best type of model for the bacterium

What is a model and what are two things a model must do?

A model is a visual or mathematical representation used to develop scientific explanations. It must conform to known experimental results and predict future experiment results accurately.

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an experimental model