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Yes decimals are used in probability; also percent and odds.

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Q: Are decimals used in probability
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Why is the probability meter labeled with fraction decimals and percents?

So it can be used for a number of different kinds of math problems

What is the probability in decimals of a student getting at least one answer correct out of ten true or false questions?

0.05 I think is the answer

When are decimals used?

decimals are used when you have part of a whole for examle .362598798 is part of a whole

What symbol is used for probability of success in statistics?

A "p" is used for probability of success. A "q" is used for probability of failure.

How is fractions and decimals used in occupations?

decimals are used for prices like $2.95 fractions can be used for data

How are decimals used in sports?

there used

Name two areas where probability is used?

name two area where probability is used

Why is probability called probability?

It is also called chance and likelihood, these are often used interchangeably. Expresed in decimals or fractions and it can assume any number from 0 to 1. Closer to 0 the less likely the event will happen. Closer to 1 the probability will most likely happen. Therefore, there are only two probabilities that even will occur or not. The start of the word 'Probability' is also the start of the word 'Probable' which means 'likely'. At a guess, the word 'Probability' derives from the Latin word 'Probabilis'.

How do you use decimals in daily life?

Well, decimals can be used for voting.

Who first used decimals?

The Chinese were the first to use decimals. Decimals were developed and used in the 1st century B.C. in China and then spread to the Middle East and Europe.

What is the probability of 55 percent?

probabilities are decimals or fractions less than 1 55% = 0.55 = 55/100 = 11/20

What If decimals didn't exist?

Before decimals were invented, people used fractions.