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The offspring has a 50% chance of the dominate trait (while being heteroygous) and a 50% chance of having the recessive trait ( homozygous recessive).

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Q: An individual heterozygous for a trait and an individual homozygous recessive for the trait are crossed and produce many offspring?
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In crossing a homozygous recessive with a heterozygote what is the chance of getting a homozygous recessive phenotype in the F1 generation?

1/2 or 50%. The homozygous recessive gentoype contains two recessive alleles for the gene for a trait. So the homozygous recessive individual can pass on only recessive alleles to an offspring. The heterozygous individual has one dominant and one recessive allele for the gene for a trait. So the heterozygous individual can pass on either a dominant or a recessive allele to an offspring. So if an offspring inherits a recessive allele from the heterozygous parent, along with the recessive allele from the homozygous recessive parent, it will have the homozygous recessive genotype and phenotype.

What is the percentage of offspring that will exhibit the dominant trait from A crossing of A homozygous dominant and homozygous recessive individual?

The homozygous dominant individual can only pass on the dominant allele and the homozygous recessive individual can only pass on the recessive allele, therefore all offspring will be heterozygous and have the dominant phenotype.

What is the probability of 2 heterozygous individuals producing a heterozygous recessive offspring?

The probability is 50%. There are four probabilities: dominant homozygous, recessive homozygous, or heterozygous.

What is the probability that an individual heterozygous for a cleft chin and individual homozygous for chin without cleft will produce offsprings that are homozygous recessive for chin without cleft?

The probability that an individual heterozygous for a cleft chin and an individual homozygous for a chin without a cleft will produce offspring that are homozygous recessive for a chin without a cleft is fifty percent. You can calculate this by making a Punnet square.

What is the probability of offspring for 2 heterozygous dogs?

There are 3 probabilities: dominant homozygous, recessive homozygous, or heterozygous.

How do two heterozygous organisms produce on offspring with a recessive phenotype?

There are two forms of Homozygous inheritance: Homozygous Dominant, and Homozygous Recessive. In order for two parents that are Homozygous to produce a Heterozygous offspring, one of them MUST be Homozygous Dominant, and the other MUST be Homozygous Recessive.

Individual heterozygous for a trait and an individual homozygous recessive for the trait are crossed and produce many offspring?

of two different phenotypes

What is the name for a cross between an individual of unknown genotype and a homozygous recessive?

A cross between a homozygous recessive and an individual of unknown genotype is called a test cross.The homozygous recessive can only pass on a recessive allele to the offspring, and so any recessive in the other parent will show up in the phenotype (detectable characteristics) of some of the offspring.

What would the offspring most likely be if an individual with a heterozygous trait and an individual with a homozgous recessive trait crossed be?

The offspring would have a 50% chance of being heterozygous and showing the dominant trait and a 50% chance of being homozygous for the recessive trait.

What is the difference between a homozygous dominant homozygous recessive and heterozygous individual?

They are the same

What is the result of a cross between an individual who is homozygous dominant and another who is homozygous recessive for a trait?

All the offspring will be heterozygous with a phenotype showing the dominant trait. Let the alleles be H (dominant) and h (recessive). All the gametes from the first individual will be H, and from the other, h. Thus all the offspring must be Hh.

If a test cross between a homozygous recessive and heterozygous allele will yield what percent of offspring as homozygous recessive?
