

What is a probability of 75 percent?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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Q: What is a probability of 75 percent?
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If the probability of succeeding is 2%, then the probability of failing is 98%. The probability, then, of failing 75 times is 98%75, which is 22%.

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99 out of 100 is the best.

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The answer depends on how well you do in the quiz: that is not a random experiment.

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The total probability of something happening plus the probability of that same thing not happening is 1, or 100 % → probability of not happening = 1 - 0.25 = 0.75 or 100 % - 25 % = 75 %

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The percent of 75% is 75%.

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75% probability

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85 percent of 75 is 63.75

How do you find the percent of probability?

You multiply the probability by 100.

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Refer back to the first clause. The answer is 50 per cent!

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75 percent of 100 is 75 75 percent off 100 is 25.