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The term ideal refers to the one that is exactly right or perfect. Average refers to anything that isn't ideal, but also is not an outlier. Average is somewhere in the middle of the two.

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Q: What is ideal average in statistics?
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What does mean mean in statistics?

Mean is the average.

What is deviation in statistics?

Deviation, actually called "standard deviation" is, in a set of numbers, the average distance a number in that set is away from the mean, or average, number.

What is a negative mean?

IN statistics yes there is a negative mean. Mean is the average of multiple numbers. Negative is opposite of positive.

How do inferential statistics describe data differently than descriptive statistics?

The term "descriptive statistics" generally refers to such information as the mean (average), median (midpoint), mode (most frequently occurring value), standard deviation, highest value, lowest value, range, and etc. of a given data set. It is a loosely used term, and not always meant to contrast with inferential statistics as the question implies. But in the context of the question, descriptive statistics would be information that pertains only to the data that has actually been collected. In the case of an instructor calculating an average grade for a class, for example, the collected data would most likely be the only point of interest. Thus, descriptive statistics would be enough. However, it is more common for a researcher to use a sample of collected data to make inferences and draw conclusions about a larger group (or "population") that the sample represents. For example, if you wanted to know the average age of users of this site, it would be unrealistic to question every singe user. So you might question a small sample and then extend that information to all users. But if you found the average age in your sample to be 40, you could not immediately assume that 40 is the average for all users. You would need to use inferential statistics to calculate an estimate of how accurately your data represents the larger group. The most common way to do this is to calculate a standard error, which will produce a range within which the population average most likely (but not definitively) lies. Therefore, in the simplest description (inferential statistics are also a part of much more powerful tests outside of this answer), descriptive statistics refer only to a sample while inferential statistics refer to the larger population from which the sample was drawn.

What are the main branches of statistics?

The two main branches of statistics is Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics.

Related questions

What is an ideal average in statistics?

That has several variables that nobody knows for sure, if you mean class average, then it's a 70%.

What does mean mean in statistics?

Mean is the average.

Compare and contrast descriptive statistics and inferential statistics?

Descriptive statistics are meant to describe the situation such as the average or the range. Inferential statistics is used to differentiate between a couple of groups.

What are the importance of the mean in statistics?

the mean is important in statistics because you will find out your average and can compare that mean to other things..

What is the average time to load a 53 foot van trailer on pallets?

There really aren't statistics on this. A competent operator with a forklift should be able to have it done in about a half hour or so. In less than ideal circumstances, it could take much longer.

What do you want your residuals to be in statistics?

For the purpose of analyses, they should be independent, identically distributed random variables. But the ideal is that they are all 0.

What is the formula for x-bar in statistics?

(x value) - average

Are the astrologist true?

astrology is based on average statistics. it is nearly guess.

What is a four letter term or word in statistics?

The mean is the average value.

Looking at the statistics explain why you think the average nights spent in?

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Why is math important in baseball?

Baseball is a sport that uses a lot of math. Math is important for calculating the statistics for the team and the players. Some of these statistics are batting average, earned run average, and fielding percentage.

What does optimal weight mean?

It means your the average weight , your ideal