There is only one possible combination of a 13 digit number created from 13 digits. In a combination, the order of the digits does not matter so that 123 is the same as 132 or 312 etc. If there are 13 different digits (characters) there is 1 combination of 13 digits 13 combinations of 1 or of 12 digits 78 combinations of 2 or of 11 digits and so on There are 213 - 1 = 8191 in all. If the characters are not all different it is necessary to have more information.
To calculate the number of 3-digit combinations that can be made from the numbers 1-9, we can use the formula for permutations. Since repetition is allowed, we use the formula for permutations with repetition, which is n^r, where n is the total number of options (10 in this case) and r is the number of digits in each combination (3 in this case). Therefore, the total number of 3-digit combinations that can be made from the numbers 1-9 is 10^3 = 1000.
If the same 7 digits are used for all the combinations then n! = 7! = 7*6*5*4*3*2*1 = 5040 combinations There are 9,999,999-1,000,000+1=9,000,000 7-digit numbers.
Six combinations: 123, 132, 213, 231, 312, 321
There are different numbers of combinations for groups of different sizes out of 9: 1 combination of 9 digits 9 combinations of 1 digit and of 8 digits 36 combinations of 2 digits and of 7 digits 84 combinations of 3 digits and of 6 digits 126 combinations of 4 digits and of 5 digits 255 combinations in all.
Assuming the digits cannot be repeated, there are 7 combinations with 1 digit, 21 combinations with 2 digits, 35 combinations with 3 digits, 35 combinations with 4 digits, 21 combinations with 5 digits, 7 combinations with 6 digits and 1 combinations with 7 digits. That makes a total of 2^7 - 1 = 127: too many for me to list. If digits can be repeated, there are infinitely many combinations.
You can make: 1 combination containing 0 digits, 7 combinations containing 1 digits, 21 combinations containing 2 digits, 35 combinations containing 3 digits, 35 combinations containing 4 digits, 21 combinations containing 5 digits, 7 combinations containing 6 digits, and 1 combinations containing 7 digits. That makes 2^7 = 128 in all.
There is only one possible combination of a 13 digit number created from 13 digits. In a combination, the order of the digits does not matter so that 123 is the same as 132 or 312 etc. If there are 13 different digits (characters) there is 1 combination of 13 digits 13 combinations of 1 or of 12 digits 78 combinations of 2 or of 11 digits and so on There are 213 - 1 = 8191 in all. If the characters are not all different it is necessary to have more information.
Assuming the digits are not repeated, there are four combinations:123, 124, 134 and 234.
654321-100000= 554321 combinations
Oh, what a happy little question! To find the number of combinations with the digits 1, 2, 4, and 8, you can use a simple formula. Since there are 4 digits, you can arrange them in 4! (4 factorial) ways, which is 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 24 combinations. Just imagine all the beautiful possibilities you can create with those numbers!
If you include the combination which comprises no numbers (the empty set), then there are 16: 1 with no digits 4 with 1 digit 6 with 2 digits 4 with 3 digits, and 1 with 4 digits.
There are 167960 9 digits combinations between numbers 1 and 20.
they are 24 you can make with the numbers 1-4 or any other 4 digits here they are123412431432142313421324213421432431241323412314312431423421341232413214423142134312432141324123* * * * *WRONG!These are permutations, not combinations. In a combination theorder of the digits does not matter so there is only one combination of 4 digits out of 4.