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There are several advantages of sampling over census (i.e. selection of whole

population for analysis).

Firstly, the costs on sampling should be much lower than that on census. For example,

for the government by-census (note: population census is usually conducted once

every ten years and a by-census is conducted in the middle of the intercensal period),

one fifth of the population is large enough to declare what the government wants to

know. There is no need to spend several times of dollars to interview the entire

population in the society.

Secondly, a quality guru (Deming, 1960) argued that the quality of a study was often

better with sampling than with a census. He suggested that, "Sampling possesses the

possibility of better interviewing(testing), more thorough investigation of missing,

wrong , or suspicious information, better supervision, and better processing than is

possible with complete coverage". Research findings substantiate this opinion. More

than 90% of survey error in one study was from non-sampling error1, and 10% or less

was from sampling error2. (Donald et al., 1995)

Thirdly, sampling can save the time. The speed of execution reduces the time between

the recognition of a need for information and the availability of that information.

1 Non-sampling error is the error of research due to factors other than the sample size and sampling

method, including non-response, bad communication with interviewees, measurement error, etc.

2 Sampling error is the error during research due to the sample size and sampling method.

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Q: Advantages of census over Sampling in Statistics?
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Advantages and disadvantages of sampling over population census?


Advantages of census over sample survey?

It is more accurate, unbiased and includes every item in the population, whereas sampling may be biased, and sampling is not totally representative.

Why is sampling preferred over census?

Less time and less cost for a sample

What are the advantages and disadvantages of systematic sampling in statistics?

Hi, 1.The main advantage of Systematic sampling over simple random sampling is its simplicity. It allows the researchers to add a degree of system or process into the random selection of subjects. 2.Another advantage of systematic random sampling over simple random sampling is the assurance that the population will be evenly sampled. Disadvantage The process of selection can interact with a hidden periodic trait within the population.

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What are the different advantages of Sampling?

Sampling allows researchers to collect data from a smaller subset of a population, saving time and resources. It can provide insights into the characteristics of a larger population without having to survey everyone. Additionally, sampling can reduce bias in data collection and improve the overall quality of research findings.

What type of population statistics can be gathered with collecting data?

Population statistics that can be gathered with data collection include demographics (age, gender, ethnicity), socioeconomic status (income, education level), health indicators (prevalence of diseases), employment status, housing patterns, and geographic distribution. These statistics help in understanding the characteristics and needs of a population for policy-making, resource allocation, and planning purposes.

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basically it is cheaper than other methods so it is preferred over other methods.

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The limitation of any statistical application is the fact that it always depends on some sampling. If this sampling is incomplete, or not representative of your actual base (say customers), your data may not yield accurate conclusions. Additionally, since it depends on sampling, your measurement is only applicable to a base that fits the profile of your sampling. For instance, if you took your sampling from Caucasian males over age 35, and it turns out your customer base has a large number of African, American females under 23, your conclusions based on the statistics could be imperfect.

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The most recent statistics concerning Ph.D. holders are from the year 2000. According to the census, 1,754,331 people over the age of 25 have a Ph.D. These statistics are only for the US.

Why do we need sampling in which sistuations sampling over census?

A census requires you to obtain information for every member of the population. This may be very expensive, time-consuming. Also, not all members of the population may provide a response.If the information that is sought is destructive, then a census defeats the purpose. For example, if you wanted to test the breaking point of a safety harness and carried out a census, you would have precise information on the breaking point but no harnesses left!If the information that is sought is not very variable, then a well designed sample is quicker, cheaper and can be made sufficiently accurate.

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