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The median is the middle of average of the middle two values from the ordered set of observations. If the extreme values are genuine then they will have no effect on the median. If they are incorrectly measured or recorded data then they may affect the position of the middle of the ordered set of data. However, since there can only be a small number of outliers, their effect on the median will be small.

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Q: Why is the median more robust for extreme values?
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Why calculate for the mean and median in relation to a sample?

Both the mean and median represent the center of a distribution. Calculating the mean is easier, but may be more affected by outliers or extreme values. The median is more robust.

What is the appropriate measure of central tendency for age?

The appropriate measure of central tendency for age is the median. This is because age is a continuous variable and can have outliers or extreme values, which can skew the mean. The median provides a more robust estimate of the center of the distribution.

The measure of central tendency that is most affected by a few large or small numbers is?

The mean is the measure of central tendency that is most affected by a few large or small numbers. The median is more robust for extreme values.

Why is the median a more stable measure of central tendency than the mean?

in general,mean is more stable than median but in the case of extreme values it is better to consider median a stable measure than mean.

Why do we study the median?

The median is a more robust measure than the average, which means it is more resilient to the effects of outliers in your dataset.

What does mean median in math?

The term median refers to an average value indicated by the middle number or numbers in a series. It can be different from the "mean", which is the average value found by adding the numbers and dividing.Where there is an odd number of values, the median is the central (middle) value.For example, in the set [ 1, 2, 7, 50, 100 ] the median value is 7. There will be as many values less than the median as there are greater than the median. (if you have duplicate values, more than one may be equal to the median)Where there is an even number of values, the median is the mean (average) of the two central values. For example, in the set [ 1, 2, 7, 9, 50, 100 ], there are two central values, 7 and 9. The median would be 8, and again there will be as many values less than the median as there are greater than the median.To find the median : put your numbers in order by their value, and count the number of values. Divide the number of values by two to locate the center value or values. Where the number of values is even, add and average the two in the middle.Example : values [ 27, 18, 3, 99, 55, 1, 16 ]Ordered set : [ 1, 3, 16, 18, 27, 55, 99 ]Median : 18

If you get more than one median what do you do?

There is only one median in a set of values. If it is an odd amount of values, the median is the middle number. If there is an even amount of numbers, the median is the value halfway between the two middle numbers. So, in 1, 2, 3; the median is 2. In 1, 2, 3, 4; the median is 2.5, as that is halfway between 2 and 3.

What is the Median of 8 5 9 2 2?

The median is 5, because two values (2 and 2) are less than 5, and an equal number of values (8 and 9) are greater than 5. Generally speaking, the median is more informative than the average (mean), although a proper calculation of a "typical value" of a list of values depends on what the typical value will be used for.

What is an advantage to using the median when examining a set of data?

The median or mode should be used instead of the mean in distributions with extreme outliers. In such cases, the mean can be a misleading measure of central tendency and the median value or the mode value are typically more accurate measures.

What is the importance of averages?

An average is a single value that is meant to typify a list of values, or more basically, to find a median by which to compare to.

When do you use mean median mode?

Mean would be used in such a situation, when you have to use all the values in the data and median is used in such a situation that you have to use only two values i.e upper and lower values and Mode is used when your data is unobservable like if you want to find the opinion of people. for more information see related link below

Measures of Central Tendency?

In my last post I touched on the concept of Central Tendency (CT); that is the theory that in any data set there may be varying values for each data point but that on the whole there is one central value around which the values congregate. I’m going to address three of the most common measures of central tendency in this post. They are the mean, the median, and the mode. The mean, also known as an average, is the most commonly used measure of central tendency that most people are familiar with. This measure is arrived at by adding the individual observations in the data set and then dividing the sum of those values by the number of observations. In my last post I gave the example of daily stock prices that were $3.00, $4.00, $3.00, $6.00, $4.00, $32.00, $3.00. In this instance the sum of the values is 55. And 55 divided by 7 (the number of observations) is $7.86. Therefore the mean of that data set is $7.86. But as I pointed out in my last post, the extreme value of $32.00 skewed the mean higher than any of the other values in the set. That is one weakness of the mean value – it is very sensitive to extreme values. To alleviate that sensitivity, one might seek a different measure of central tendency. Let’s look at the median next, as it does some of the work of desensitizing the CT measure from extreme values. The median is arrived at by arranging the values in order from lowest to highest and choosing the middle value. If the number of values is even the median is considered to be equal to the mean of the middle two values. In our case we have an odd number of values and the middle value is $4.00. $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 --------- $4.00 --------- $4.00 $6.00 $32.00 Thus we see that the median can act to filter out the bias towards extreme values to which the mean is susceptible by placing those values at either end of the continuum and finding the middle of the road value. The last common measure of central tendency that I want to talk about here is the mode. The mode is nothing more than the most commonly reoccurring observation. In our case there are three instances of the value of $3.00, the most of any other value – making $3.00 the mode.