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Qualitative approaches aim to address the 'how' and 'why' of a program and tend to use unstructured methods of data collection to fully explore the topic. Quantitative approaches address the 'what' of the program. They use a systematic standardised approach and employ methods such as surveys.

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Q: What are quantitative methods of gathering data?
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What are some distinct advantages of a qualitative data gathering strategy such as participant observation over more quantitative approaches?

What are some distinct advantages of a qualitative data gathering strategy, such as participant observation, over more quantitative approaches

Is Interviewing recording their thoughts and feelings as they pertain to illness is an example of gathering quantitative data?


What is the difference between qualtatative and qauntative?

Some methods provide data which are quantitative and some methods data which are qualitative. Quantitative methods are those which focus on numbers and frequencies rather than on meaning and experience. Quantitative methods (e.g. experiments, questionnaires and psychometric tests) provide information which is easy to analyse statistically and fairly reliable. Quantitative methods are associated with the scientific and experimental approach and are criticised for not providing an in depth description. Qualitative methods are ways of collecting data which are concerned with describing meaning, rather than with drawing statistical inferences. What qualitative methods (e.g. case studies and interviews) lose on reliability they gain in terms of validity. They provide a more in depth and rich description.

What is quantitative data and what is the best way to collect quantitative data?

quantitative data is the characteristics obtained from an experiment usually the best way to collect quantitative data is to observe your subject.

Is the length of a movie quantitative or qualitative data?

The length of a movie is quantitative data.

Related questions

What are the differences between semi-quantitative and quantitative methods of data analysis?

Semi-quantitative methods involve assigning categories or rankings to data, while quantitative methods involve measuring and analyzing numerical data. Semi-quantitative methods provide a general sense of trends, while quantitative methods offer precise numerical values for analysis.

What is Qualitative and quantitative methods?

They are methods for analysing statistics in which that data are, respectively, qualitative and quantitative.

What is the definition of Quantitative methods?

Is a range of mathematical and scientific methods used to answer data

What are some distinct advantages of a qualitative data gathering strategy such as participant observation over more quantitative approaches?

What are some distinct advantages of a qualitative data gathering strategy, such as participant observation, over more quantitative approaches

Is Interviewing recording their thoughts and feelings as they pertain to illness is an example of gathering quantitative data?


What are the different methods in gathering data?

There are many different methods for gathering data depending upon the industry and the objective. Some of the methods include direct Interviewing, indirect or questionnaire, registration method, and experimental method.

What is the definition of the term quantitative methods?

The definition of the term quantitative methods is the range of mathematical and statistical techniques used to analysis data. This is primarily used in math equations.

Data gathering methods?

Different ways to gather data include:SurveyTelemarketingWeb searchHistorical analysis

Importance of quantitative methods?

Quantitative methods of studying are important because they give greater picture ideas of a population. This means that the data collected is a more accurate picture of what is going on in the population.

Why do we study quantitative methods?

much more quantitative than the qualitative method. those of us who understand basic science and math realize that qualitative measures are usually total BS.

Quantitative data collection methods?

"There are many methods to collect data such as, interviews, meetings, observation, questionnaires and review internal documents.The above is incorrect, the statement above includes both qualitative and quantitative methods. "Quantitative research is about measuring a market and quantifying that measurement with data. Most often the data required relates to market size, market share, penetration, installed base and market growth rates.However, quantitative research can also be used to measure customer attitudes, satisfaction, commitment and a range of other useful market data that can be tracked over time.Quantitative methods include:Mail surveysStreet surveysTelephone surveysInternet surveysQualitative methods include:InterviewsFocus groupsObservation groupsShadowing

What is the similarities between quantitative data and quantitative data?

don't you mean quantitative data and qualitative data?