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Negatives cause no problem: log10x = -3 means x = 10-3 = 0.001 It doesn't make sense, though, to FIND the logarithm of a negative number: log10(-8) = ???? (unless you know about complex numbers . . . )

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2y ago

For any logarithm

10^(-x) can be re-written as '1/10^(x)'.

NB Note the negatrive has gone.

So of x = 2


1/10^(2) =

1/100 =


Or 10^(-2) = 0.01

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  • log_2⁡x=-3
  •  x=2^(-3)
  •  x=1/8
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That would depend a lot on the specific equations. Often the following tricks can help: (a) Take antilogarithms to get rid of the logarithms. (b) Use the properties of logarithms, especially: log(ab) = log a + log b; log(a/b) = log a - log b; log ab = b log a. (These properties work for logarithms in any base.)

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You need to be able to solve logarithms and be very good at algebra. In college, you have to be able to do college level algebra before you can take trig.

What is the log of -123?

Within the real numbers, logarithms of zero and negative numbers are not defined. If you are interested in calculating logarithms within the complex number system, the Wikipedia article on "logarithm" has the necessary formulae. In this case, you can obtain the logarithm of a negative number, but not of zero.

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The base of common logarithms is ten.