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Suppose triangle ABC is right angled at C. Suppose you are given that the angle at B is theta. Then

if you know the length of AB (the hypotenuse), then

BC = AB*cos(theta) and

AC = AB*sin(theta)

if you know the length of BC, then

AB = BC/cos(theta) and

AC = BC*tan(theta)

if you know the length of AC, then

AB= AC/sin(theta) and

BC = AC/tan(theta)

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7y ago

sin theta = opposite/hypotenuse
cos theta = adjacent/hypotenuse
tan theta = opposite/adjacent

So if you know the length of the shorter side adjacent to theta,...
opposite = adjacent * tan theta
hypotenuse = adjacent / cos theta

If you know the length of the side opposite theta,...
adjacent = opposite / tan theta
hypotenuse = opposite / sin theta

If you know the length of the hypotenuse,...
opposite = hypotenuse * sin theta
adjacent = hypotenuse * cos theta

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What is sin in math terms?

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What is sine theta?

The sine theta of an angle (in a right triangle) is the side opposite of the angle divided by the hypotenuse.

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The sine of an angle theta that is part of a right triangle, not the right angle, is the opposite side divided by the hypotenuse. As a result, you could determine the hypotenuse by dividing the opposite side by the sine (theta)...sine (theta) = opposite/hypotenusehypotenuse = opposite/sine (theta)...Except that this won't work when sine (theta) is zero, which it is when theta is a multiple of pi. In this case, of course, the right triangle degrades to a straight line, and the hypotenuse, so to speak, is the same as the adjacent side.

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In a Right Triangle SINE Theta is equal to the: (Length of opposite side) / (Length of Hypotenuse).

What is the definition of a tangent function?

Tangent (theta) is defined as sine (theta) divided by cosine (theta). In a right triangle, it is also defined as opposite (Y) divided by adjacent (X).

How do you find the theta of a triangle?

The answer depends on what theta represents!

How do you find theta for right triangle?

You can use your trigonometric functions (sine, cosine, and tangent).

What is cos theta and sin theta?

They are mathematical functions. Most people are introduced to them as trigonometric functions. In the context of a right angled triangle, with one of its angles being theta, Cos(theta) = The ratio of the lengths of the adjacent side and the hypotenuse. Sin(theta) = The ratio of the lengths of the opposite side and the hypotenuse. More advanced mathematicians will know them simply as the following infinite series: Cos(theta) = 1 - x2/2! + x4/4! - x6/6! + ... and Sin(theta) = x/1! - x3/3! + x5/5! - x7/7! + ... n! = 1*2*3* ... *n

What is theta of a triangle?

When placed next to any angle on a triangle, the theta symbol (θ) represents that missing angle.

What ratio correctly describes the cosine function?

The cosine of theta is adjacent over hypotenuse, given a right triangle, theta not being the 90 degree angle, adjacent not being the hypotenuse, and theta being the angle between adjacent and hypotenuse. In a unit triangle, i.e. in a unit circle circumscribed with radius one, and theta and the center of the circle at the origin, cosine of theta is X.

Why tan theta sin theta divided by cos theta?

The expression tan(theta) sin(theta) / cos(theta) simplifies to sin^2(theta) / cos(theta). In trigonometry, sin^2(theta) is equal to (1 - cos^2(theta)), so the expression can be further simplified to (1 - cos^2(theta)) / cos(theta).

How do you solve for x and y in an angle?

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