

What does Tan 3 theta equals -1?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: What does Tan 3 theta equals -1?
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What is sec theta if tan theta equals 2 with theta in quadrant 3?

If tan theta equals 2, then the sides of the triangle could be -2, -1, and square root of 5 (I used the Pythagorean Theorem to get this). From this, sec theta is negative square root of 5. It is negative because theta is in the third quadrant, where cosine, secant, sine, and cosecant are all negative.

3cot A equals 4 Then find 1-tan?

3cot(A) = 4 so cot(A) = 4/3 then tan(A) = 1/(4/3) = 3/4 and so 1 - tan(A) = 1-3/4 = 1/4

What is the exact value of tan 105 degrees?

To find the exact value of tan 105°. First, of all, we note that sin 105° = cos 15°; and cos 105° = -sin 15°. Thus, tan 105° = -cot 15° = -1 / tan 15°. Using the formula tan(α - β) = (tan α - tan β) / (1 + tan α tan β); and using, also, the familiar values tan 45° = 1, and tan 30° = ½ / (½√3) = 1/√3 = ⅓√3; we have, tan 15° = (1 - ⅓√3) / (1 + ⅓√3); whence, cot 15° = (1 + ⅓√3) / (1 - ⅓√3) = (√3 + 1) / (√3 - 1) {multiplying through by √3} = (√3 + 1)2 / (√3 + 1)(√3 - 1) = (3 + 2√3 + 1) / (3 - 1) = (4 + 2√3) / 2 = 2 + √3. Therefore, tan 105° = -cot 15° = -2 - √3, which is the result we sought. We are asked the exact value of tan 105°, which we gave above. We can test the above result to 9 decimal places, say, by means of a calculator: -2 - √3 = -3.732050808; and tan 105° = -3.732050808; thus indicating that we have probably got the right result.

Which is greater tan 1tan2 tan3 .arrange them in descending order?

If the angles are measured in degrees or gradians, then: tan 3 > tan 2 > tan 1 If the angles are measured in radians, then: tan 1 > tan 3 > tan 2.

If tan y equals to x where y is acute find 3 cos y in terms of x?

3cos(y) = 3/(sqrt(1+x^2)

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If tan Theta equals 2 with Theta in Quadrant 3 find cot Theta?

Cotan(theta) is the reciprocal of the tan(theta). So, cot(theta) = 1/2.

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How can I solve tan of 3 theta -sqrt of 3 equals 0 for theta?

tan3A-sqrt3=0 tan3A=sqrt3 3A=tan^-1(sqrt3) 3A= pi/3+npi A=pi/9+npi/3 n=any integer

What is sec theta if tan theta equals 2 with theta in quadrant 3?

If tan theta equals 2, then the sides of the triangle could be -2, -1, and square root of 5 (I used the Pythagorean Theorem to get this). From this, sec theta is negative square root of 5. It is negative because theta is in the third quadrant, where cosine, secant, sine, and cosecant are all negative.

Exact solution for Tan theta equals negative square root of 3?

Negative 1.047197551 etc, etc.

What is idendity of tan 3 theta?


What are the values of theta in the interval 0 degrees less than or equal to theta less than 360 degrees that satisfy the equation tan theta negative radical three equals 0?

The answer is 60 and 240 degrees. Add radical 3 and inverse tan to get answer add 180 for other answer less than 360.

How do you solve sin2 theta if sin theta equals 3 over 5 and theta is in the first quadrant?

If sin (theta) is 3/5, then sin2 (theta) is (3/5)2, or 9/25.

3cot A equals 4 Then find 1-tan?

3cot(A) = 4 so cot(A) = 4/3 then tan(A) = 1/(4/3) = 3/4 and so 1 - tan(A) = 1-3/4 = 1/4

What is the relationship between those trigonometry function e.g sine and cos and also tan curve?

Given that theta is the angle with respect to the positive X axis of a line of length 1, then sin(theta) = Y and cos(theta) is X, with (X,Y) being the point at the end of the line. As theta sweeps from 0 to 360 degrees, or 0 to 2 pi radians, that point draws a circle of radius 1, with center at (0,0).Since X, Y, and 1 form the sides of a right triangle, where 1 is the hypotenuse, then the pythagorean theorem states that X2 + Y2 = 12. This means that sin2(theta) + cos2(theta) = 1.Tan(theta) is defined as sin(theta) divided by cos(theta), or Y / X. Since division by zero is a limiting invalidity, then tan(theta) is asymptotic to Y=0, having value of +infinity at theta = 90 or pi / 4, and -infinity at 270 or 3 pi / 4.

Why tan theta sin theta divided by cos theta?

The expression tan(theta) sin(theta) / cos(theta) simplifies to sin^2(theta) / cos(theta). In trigonometry, sin^2(theta) is equal to (1 - cos^2(theta)), so the expression can be further simplified to (1 - cos^2(theta)) / cos(theta).

Write z equals 3i in abbreviated trigonometric form?

z = 3i r=3 theta=taninverse(3/0)=undefine as we know tan theta is undefine at 90 and 270....check through qustion ..their is + sign with imag part....its mean angle is 90 so we write it as 3(cos90 + isin90)