sine 40° = 0.642788
The sine of 75 degrees is about 0.9659
Sine Pari is Latin for "without equal".
-1 < sine(theta) < 1 so sine(theta) cannot be 3125
The negative sine graph and the positive sine graph have opposite signs: when one is negative, the other is positive - by exactly the same amount. The sine function is said to be an odd function. The two graphs for cosine are the same. The cosine function is said to be even.
107.6 F
That expression can't be simplified. If you know how much the angle (theta) is, you can calculate the sine (do it on a calculator), and then subtract 1.
No, it is not. To be correct, the expression requires parenthesis, which are missing.
sine 810 = sine 90 = 1
Sine(A+ B) = Sine(A)*Cosine(B) + Cosine(A)*Sine(B).
Sine 3.3 degrees is about 0.057564. Sine 3.3 radians is about -0.157746. Sine 3.3 grads is about 0.051813.
Sine does not converge but oscillates. As a result sine does not tend to a limit as its argument tends to infinity. So sine(infinity) is not defined.
sine dine
sine 45 = 0.850903525
Sine 153 = 0.806400581
a)set of sine waves b)set of sine waves with phase zero