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Q: Does a polynomial with a leading term with an even exponent must have at least one real zero?
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What is a polynomial with a degree of three?

The degree of a polynomial refers to the largest exponent in the function for that polynomial. A degree 3 polynomial will have 3 as the largest exponent, but may also have smaller exponents. Both x^3 and x^3-x²+x-1 are degree three polynomials since the largest exponent is 4. The polynomial x^4+x^3 would not be degree three however because even though there is an exponent of 3, there is a higher exponent also present (in this case, 4).

What is a possible leading coefficient and degree for a polynomial starting in quadrant 3 and ending in quadrant 4?

Leading coefficient: Negative. Order: Any even integer.

Can a polynomial equation have no answer?

It depends on the domain. In the complex domain, a polynomial of order n must have n solutions, although some of these may be multiple solutions. In the real domain, a polynomial of odd order must have at least one real solution, while a polynomial of even order may have no real solutions.

All polynomials have at least one maximum?

Not quite. The point at infinity cannot be regarded as a maximum since the value will continue to increase asymptotically. As a result no polynomial of odd degree can have a maximum. Only polynomials of an even degree whose leading coefficient is negative will have a global maximum.

Is it possible to add 2 polynomials together and your answer is not a polynomial?

No. Even if the answer is zero, zero is still a polynomial.

Is it true that the degree of polynomial function determine the number of real roots?

Sort of... but not entirely. Assuming the polynomial's coefficients are real, the polynomial either has as many real roots as its degree, or an even number less. Thus, a polynomial of degree 4 can have 4, 2, or 0 real roots; while a polynomial of degree 5 has either 5, 3, or 1 real roots. So, polynomial of odd degree (with real coefficients) will always have at least one real root. For a polynomial of even degree, this is not guaranteed. (In case you are interested about the reason for the rule stated above: this is related to the fact that any complex roots in such a polynomial occur in conjugate pairs; for example: if 5 + 2i is a root, then 5 - 2i is also a root.)

Why do math problems have two answers?

Assuming that you are reffering to something like this: (x - h)(x - k) = 0 x = h, x = k This is the fundamental theorem of algebra which states that is given a polynomial (multiple terms raised to positive powers ex) x^3 + 2x + 1), then the number of solutions to that polynomial is equal to the degree (or highest exponent) in the polynomial. The factorization in the beginning was dealing with a quadratic equation - when foiled out it equals x^2 - hx - kx + hk. The highest exponent in the quadratic is two and therefore there are two solutions. You can even think back to the factorization again: if x = h then the whole equation is 0, if x = k then the whole equation is 0.

What are the multiples of three but are square numbers?

Any even exponent of 3 is a square number.

What is a large exponent?

There is no limit to what may be used as an exponent. Even infinity can be an exponent (though some things, like 1∞ , are not defined at all, and others are themselves infinite).

Can you get zero using exponents?

No. Even a number with an exponent of zero equals one. There is no way an exponent on a number will make it zero.

When the exponent is applied to the base the result is always one?

That's true if the exponent is zero. Then it doesn't even matter what the base is.

What is the difference between polynomial and non polynomial?

A polynomial is a sum of monomials - and each monomial may only contain non-negative integer powers of the variables involved. If any other operation is involved (for example, a negative or fractional exponent; equivalent to a variable in the denominator, or a root), you have a non-polynomial.