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Q: How do reordering and regrouping help you to add mentally?
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What is the meaning of addition with carrying?

Back in the day, regrouping in addition was called "carrying" and regrouping in subtraction was called "borrowing." I think "regrouping" is a better term for all of it. These problems might be easier to visualize if you copy them vertically. Example: 45 + 28 5 + 8 is 13, which won't fit in the ones place, so we leave 3 of the ones there and regroup the ten other ones into one ten which we add in the tens column. 1 + 4 + 2 = 7 45 + 28 = 73

Change the order or group the addends so that you can add mentally find the sum. Name the property you used?


What are the patterns and properties to compute mentally for 120 times 30?

The patterns and properties to compute mentally 120 times 30 is the numbers 12 and 3 plus the two 0. Multiply 12 by 3 (36) and add the two 0 (3600).

Is regrouping a method in math?

Back in the day, regrouping in addition was called "carrying" and regrouping in subtraction was called "borrowing." I think "regrouping" is a better term for all of it. These problems might be easier to visualize if you copy them vertically. Example: 56 - 39 Just looking at it, you might think there's a problem with subtracting nine from six until you realize that 56 is 5 tens and 6 ones which is the same thing as 4 tens and 16 ones. Now you can subtract 9 from 16, leaving 7 in the ones place and 3 from 4, (the regrouped 5) leaving 1 in the tens place. 56 - 39 = 17 Example: 45 + 28 5 + 8 is 13, which won't fit in the ones place, so we leave 3 of the ones there and regroup the ten other ones into one ten which we add in the tens column. 1 + 4 + 2 = 7 45 + 28 = 73

How do you subtract using regrouping?

"Regrouping" is a more modern word for "borrowing". When subtracting with decimals, if you are trying to subtract a larger digit from a smaller digit, you "regroup" the next digit to the left by taking one away from it and adding 10 to the number you are subtracting from. Example 84 - 19 _____ You can't subtract 9 from 4, so you take one away from the next digit over (the 8) and add 10 to the 4. 14 - 9 is 5 in the ones digits 7 - 1 is 6 in the tens digits Now if you are subtracting mixed numbers, the regrouping process is essentially the same, except that instead of always regrouping by tens, we regroup by the denominator size. 8 1/5 - 3 3/5 ______ We can't subtract 3/5 from 1/5, so we regroup one unit from the 8 into 5 fifths. 7 6/5 -3 3/5 _______ 4 3/5 It is very easy when you get some practice doing it.

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Bill says that he can add 23 and 40 without regrouping is bill correct how do you know?

If Bill says that he can add 23 and 40 without regrouping he is correct. Both numbers can easily be added in your head.

How is renaming to add mixed numbers different from regrouping to add whole numbers?

7 7/12 plus 3 8/9

How do you subtract mixed numbers with regrouping?

you take away one of the whole number=then you add or subtract your fractions=

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How can add 23 and 40 without regrouping?

The problem of adding 23 and 40 is trivial. Since 2 + 4 = 6, we add the tens column and get 60; there is only 3 in the ones column so the answer is 63.

What was the purpose of the adding machine?

the purpose of this invention is to help add up numbers. It's quicker and easier to do instead of mentally trying to calculate the numbers by hand.(: your welcome

Which property would help you solve 42 15 28 mentally because you would add 42 and 28 first then add 15?

the property says that a+b+c is the same as a+c+b and it is the commutative property of addition.

How do you regroup in additon?

Back in the day, regrouping in addition was called "carrying" and regrouping in subtraction was called "borrowing." I think "regrouping" is a better term for all of it. This problem might be easier to visualize if you copy it vertically. Example: 45 + 28 5 + 8 is 13, which won't fit in the ones place, so we leave 3 of the ones there and regroup the ten other ones into one ten which we add in the tens column. 1 + 4 + 2 = 7 45 + 28 = 73

What is the meaning of addition with carrying?

Back in the day, regrouping in addition was called "carrying" and regrouping in subtraction was called "borrowing." I think "regrouping" is a better term for all of it. These problems might be easier to visualize if you copy them vertically. Example: 45 + 28 5 + 8 is 13, which won't fit in the ones place, so we leave 3 of the ones there and regroup the ten other ones into one ten which we add in the tens column. 1 + 4 + 2 = 7 45 + 28 = 73

What is the difference between subtracting with regrouping in whole numbers and subraction with regrouping in fractions?

We look at the signs of numbers when we need to combine them. We subtract only if numbers have different signs, otherwise we add them. So that, if we have in an expression several positive and negative numbers, we prefer to group numbers with the same sign and add them in order to subtract just once. While with fractions we like to group fractions with the same denominator first, and after that we can combine all fractions by finding their LCD.