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Q: How do we describe all comlex numbers such that exponent of z is 1?
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What exponent are all numbers are understood to have?

1, if the exponent is not shown.

What is a positive exponent?

An exponent that is a positive integer. For example, x3 has a positive exponent, while 8-5 does not.

What is 18 exponent 0?

All (ordinary) numbers to the power of 0 are equal to 1. 180 = 1

What is the exponent indicates how many times that factor as used?

That is all that the exponent is.

What is the prime factorization of 1387 using exponential notation?

19 x 73 = 1387. You can put the exponent 1 after all the numbers, but it's not necessary.

Describe all the numbers that when rounded to the nearest thousand are 312000?

311,500 to 312,499

What is the four parts of speech?

It is an adjective. All numbers are adjectives because they describe How.

How are numbers used to describe real-world situations?

Can you find a real-world situation that numbers don't describe? From the numbers on your alarm clock to the numbers on your house, to the bus you ride to work, to the numbers on the phone as you order takeout, to the prices at the grocery store, to your bar tab, it's all numbers.

What does E after a number mean mathematically?

Sometimes, like with most calculators, superscript like this is not possible, so the exponents of the powers of ten (the numbers above) are displayed as 2E4 and 1.45E3. The E stands for Exponent. It's just another way of displaying numbers in scientific notation. In scientific notation, numbers are written like this, 20000 is written as 2 x 104 = 2 E4 The 2 is called the coefficient, and the 4 is called the power or the exponent (of ten). 1450 is written as 1.45 x 103 = 1.45 E3 The 1.45 is the coefficient, and the 3 is called the power or the exponent (of ten). All numbers are written as a coefficient between 1 and 10, multiplied by 10 raised to the power of the exponent.

What do you do with variable exponents when you are subtracting numbers?

leave them for last, so when you combine all like terms you can solve for that variable exponent. I personally hated Algebra, good luck!

What is a large exponent?

There is no limit to what may be used as an exponent. Even infinity can be an exponent (though some things, like 1∞ , are not defined at all, and others are themselves infinite).

Describe the coordinates of all points in all the quadrants?

The coordinates of all points in the coordinate plane consist of ordered pairs of numbers.