As well as their use within mathematics, complex numbers have practical applications in many fields, including physics, chemistry, biology, economics, electrical engineering, and statistics.
A complex number, in my life, is a number which is composed of two parts: one part which is a real number and the other which is imaginary. It can be represented by a point in a coordinate plane.
Complex numbers are the square roots of negative numbers. i.e. root -1 = i
It can be used as a convenient shortcut to calculate the absolute value of the square of a complex number. Just multiply the number by its complex conjugate.I believe it has other uses as well.
You can use another complex number, a real number or an imaginary number. Complex number equations make interesting images. The link shows the image produced by (z-1)/(z+1) and inverses the checkerboard around two points.
how to use number line to represent real life event
you would use complex and imaginary numbers in your daily life if you become a mathematician, electrical engineer, quantam mechanic, etc. otherwise, you would not use use them at all except in algebra 2, pre-calc, calculus....i hope that helped a little bit.
One operation that is used a lot in quantum mechanics is taking the absolute value of the square of a complex number. This is equivalent to multiplying the complex number by its complex conjugate - and doing this is simpler in practice.
Adjoint operator of a complex number?
The absolute value of a complex number is the magnitude of the number, which is found from sqrt(a² + b²) for the complex number a + bi
Yes. And since Real numbers are a subset of complex numbers, a complex number can also be a pure real.Another AnswerYes, for example: (0 + j5) is a complex number, whose 'real' number is zero.
You get a complex number unless the real number happens to be 0 or 1.