

What is the log of 1000?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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log(1000) = 3

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Q: What is the log of 1000?
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log(x) + 4 - log(6) = 1 so log(x) + 4 + log(1/6) = 1 Take exponents to the base 10 and remember that 10log(x) = x: x * 104 * 1/6 = 10 x = 6/1000 or 0.006

If you enter a number into a calculator nad then press the log x key what does the calculator display?

It displays the power to which '10' would have to be raised in order to get the number you entered. That's the definition of the 'logarithm' or 'log' of a number. Examples: Enter 100. Hit 'log x'. Display '2', because 102 = 100. Enter 1000. Hit 'log x'. Display '3', because 103 = 1000. Enter 2. Hit 'log x'. Display '0.30103', because 100.30103 = 2. Enter 0.1. Hit 'log x'. Display ' -1 ', because 10-1= (1/101) = 0.1