

What is the units digit of 4 to the power of 53rd?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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βˆ™ 11y ago

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It is 4.

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Q: What is the units digit of 4 to the power of 53rd?
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Expressed in numerical form, 248 = 281474976710656 - the units digit is therefore 6. With the exception of 20 = 1. the units digit of successive powers of 2 runs 2, 4, 8, 6... continuously - therefore, an exponent which is a multiple of 4 will have a units digit of 6.

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3 to a power divisible by 4 will have a units digit of 1.The powers of 3 are 3, 9, 27, 81 ... obviously, the next one will have a units digit of 1x3 or 3, the next one will have a units digit of 3x3 or 9, the next one will have a units digit of 7 (because 9x3 is 27), the next one will have a units digit of 1 (because 7x3 is 21), and then the cycle starts over with a units digit of 3 again.

What is the unit’s digit in the expansion of 2 raised to 725?

The unit's digit in the expansion of 2 raised to the 725th power is 8. This can be determined by using the concept of the "unit's digit law". This law states that the units digit of a number raised to any power is the same as the units digit of the number itself. In this case, the number is 2, which has a units digit of 2, so the units digit of 2 to the 725th power is also 2. However, this is not the final answer. To get the unit's digit of 2 to the 725th power, we must use the "repeating pattern law". This law states that when a number is raised to any power, the unit's digit will follow a repeating pattern. For 2, this pattern is 8, 4, 2, 6. This means that the units digit of 2 to any power will follow this pattern, repeating every 4 powers. So, if we look at the 725th power of 2, we can see that it is in the 4th cycle of this repeating pattern. This means that the units digit of 2 to the 725th power is 8.

When is a number a multiple of 4?

When the tens digit is even and the units digit is 0, 4 or 8 or the tens digit is odd and the units digit is 2 or 6.

What is the rule for a number that is divisible by 4?

If the last two digits are divisible by 4 then the number is divisible by 4. Thus, if the tens digit is even and the units digit is 0 or 4 or 8 OR if the tens digit is odd and the units digit is 2 or 6 then the number is divisible by 4.

What is a unit's digit of the product?

It is the unit's digit of the product of the unit's digits. For example, the units digit of 123456 * 4689 is simply the units digit of 6*9 = 54, which is 4.

What is the units digit of 2 to the 725th power?

Look at the first few powers of 2: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256,512, 1024, 2048The units digit repeats every four: [ 2 - 4 - 8 - 6 ] - [ 2 - 4 - 8 - 6 ] - etc.725/4 = 181 with remainder of 1 .So if you raise 2 to the 725th power, the units digit completes the whole4-step cycle [ 2-4-8-6 ] 181 times, and then advances one more step ... to 2 .

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four = 4 units

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I guess you mean what's the units digit of 32011. It is 7. To work this out, see how the units digit of 3n changes; it goes: 3, 9, 7, 1, 3, 9, 7, 1, ... (only the first 8 powers are shown) repeating the same sequence of 4 digits. So if we find the remainder of 2011 divided by 4, it will tell us which of the four numbers (3, 9, 7, 1) will be the units digit of 32011: 2011 ÷ 4 ⇒ remainder 3, so the 3rd digit is the required digit: 7. (If there had been no remainder, then the 4th digit, namely 1, would have been the required value.)

What is the last digit of 4 to the power of 333?

The last digit is 4.