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(x - 3) (x - square root of 2) = 0

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Q: Which equation has roots of 3 and radical 2?
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What is radical 14 times radical 2?

radical(14)*radical(2) = 2*radical(7) Without further information available we will consider only the square roots. The square roots of 14 are +3.741 and -3.741, similarly the square roots of 2 are+1.414 and -1.414 and so we can have four products 1) (+3.741) X (+1.414) = +5.155 2) (-3.741) x (+1.414) = -5.155 3) (+3.741) x (-1.414) = -5.155 4) (-3.741) x (-1.414) = +5.155 Expressions 1 and 4 are equal, expressions 2 and 3 are equal. Hence the product of radical 14 times radical 2 can be +5.155 or -5.155

Simplify 3 cubed radical 128?

3^3*radical(128) = 3^3*radical(2^7) = 3^3*radical(2^6*2) =3^3*2^3*radical(2) = 216*radical(2).

What is -3 radical 2 radical 50?

-3*radical(2)*radical(50) = -3*radical(2*50) = -3*radical(100) = -3*10 = -30

What are examples of quadratic formula with 2 imaginary roots?

A quadratic equation has the form: x^2 - (sum of the roots)x + (product of the roots) = 0 If the roots are imaginary roots, these roots are complex number a+bi and its conjugate a - bi, where a is the real part and b is the imaginary part of the complex number. Their sum is: a + bi + a - bi = 2a Their product is: (a + bi)(a - bi) = a^2 + b^2 Thus the equation will be in the form: x^2 - 2a(x) + a^2 + b^2 = 0 or, x^2 - 2(real part)x + [(real part)^2 + (imaginary part)^2]= 0 For example if the roots are 3 + 5i and 3 - 5i, the equation will be: x^2 - 2(3)x + 3^2 + 5^2 = 0 x^2 - 6x + 34 = 0 where, a = 1, b = -6, and c = 34. Look at the denominator of this quadratic equation: D = b^2 - 4ac. D = (-6)^2 - (4)(1)(34) = 36 - 136 = -100 D < 0 Since D < 0 this equation has two imaginary roots.

What is the equation of a quadratic formula that has answers of -4 and 3?

The roots of the equation are -4 and 3. Simplest solution is (x +4 )(x - 3) which multiplies out as x^2 + x - 12 = 0

Related questions

How many roots does a quadratic equation in one variable have?

A quadratic equation has two roots. They may be similar or dissimilar. As the highest power of a quadratic equation is 2 , there are 2 roots. Similarly, in the cubic equation, the highest power is 3, so it has three equal or unequal roots. So the highest power of an equation is the answer to the no of roots of that particular equation.

What is radical 14 times radical 2?

radical(14)*radical(2) = 2*radical(7) Without further information available we will consider only the square roots. The square roots of 14 are +3.741 and -3.741, similarly the square roots of 2 are+1.414 and -1.414 and so we can have four products 1) (+3.741) X (+1.414) = +5.155 2) (-3.741) x (+1.414) = -5.155 3) (+3.741) x (-1.414) = -5.155 4) (-3.741) x (-1.414) = +5.155 Expressions 1 and 4 are equal, expressions 2 and 3 are equal. Hence the product of radical 14 times radical 2 can be +5.155 or -5.155

What is the root of equation?

roots of equation are x values when y = 0

Simplify 3 cubed radical 128?

3^3*radical(128) = 3^3*radical(2^7) = 3^3*radical(2^6*2) =3^3*2^3*radical(2) = 216*radical(2).

What is -3 radical 2 radical 50?

-3*radical(2)*radical(50) = -3*radical(2*50) = -3*radical(100) = -3*10 = -30

What is the answer of 4x2plus9equal12x?

It is a quadratic equation and when solved it has equal roots of 3/2 or 1.5

What is a radical equation with 3 and 4 as solutions?

One possibility is 7/2 + sqrt(1/4)

What are the possible values for x if x2 5x 6?

The equation x2+5x+6=0 simplifies to (x+2)*(x+3)=0. From this you can determine the roots by setting x+2 and x+3 equal to zero. The roots of the equation are -2 and -3.

What is the radical equation 4 equals x2-2-x?

It is a quadratic equation and can be rearranged in the form of:- x2-x-6 = 0 (x+2)(x-3) = 0 Solutions: x = -2 and x = 3

What are the roots of the quadratic equation 2X2-3X-3 equals 0?

Use the quadratic equation to find the roots of 2x2-3x-3=0.a=2, b=-3, c=-3x =[ -b +- SQRT(b2-4ac)]/2a=[--3 +- SQRT((-3)2 - 4(2)(-3))]/2*2= [3+-SQRT(9--24)]/4so the roots are x = [3+SQRT(33)]/4 and x = [3-SQRT(33)]/4

Roots of the equation x 2 plus 5x plus 7 equals 0 will be?

There are no real root. The complex roots are: [-5 +/- sqrt(-3)] / 2

Radical 6 divided by radical 3?