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Negative 10 is smaller than positive 10 because it is one the plus side of the integer line.

Negative 10 is 10 numbers less than 0 and positive 10 is 10 numbers more than 0

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Q: Why is negative ten less than positive ten even though both numbers are the same distance from 0?
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When multiplying and dividing rational numbers how do you know if you're into me positive negative?

It the signs of the two numbers that you are multiplying or dividing is the same, then the answer is positive, otherwise the answer is negative. Remember though, that division by 0 is not defined.

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Integers can be positive, zero or negative. Whole numbers can only be zero or positive. All negative integers are not whole numbers, though they are the additive inverse of a whole number.

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In the same way that I have always used them! Positive numbers are used for measures that are greater than zero. They may be whole numbers - such as numbers of people, or words in a question. Or they may be fractional: your height or weight. Remember, though that one person's positive number may be another's negative. If you owe me money, it is a positive asset for me, but a negative one for you. In most cases, negative and positive numbers are used in the same way. There are a very few situations where there seem to be special rules that are applied to negative numbers. But, if you study these from the definition of negative numbers you will see that the rules are really the same, it is just that the numbers are different.

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How do you multiply a negative number with a positive fraction?

It is easiest to think about the signs of the numbers separately from their values (as though the numbers were positive):First consider the signs:Multiplying positive by positive => result is positiveMultiplying positive by negative => result is negativeMultiplying negative by positive => result is negativeMultiplying negative by negative => result is positiveOr to summarise:If the numbers are the same sign (both positive or both negative) the result is positive.If the numbers are of opposite signs (one positive, one negative) the result is negative.Then multiply the values of the two numbers together (multiply them as though both were positive) and put the sign on the result as decided to multiply -24 by 3:negative times positive => result negative (different signs)24 x 3 = 72sign found in step 1 to be negative, so -24 x 3 = -72eg to multiply -15 by -1/3negative times negative => result positive (same signs)15 x 1/3 = 5sign found in step 1 to be positive, so -15 x -1/3 = 5eg to multiply 12 by -1/4positive times negative => result negative (different signs)12 x 1/4 = 3sign found in step 1 to be negative, so 12 x -1/4 = -3.

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It can. Negative 2 minus negative 1 = negative 1. However, it sometimes might be positive. Negative 5 minus negative 16 = positive 11. If you have two equal negative variables, such as -a - -a, you will get -2a. -2a may still be positive though, if a is a negative number. An example of having two unequal negative numbers is -a - -b, which is -a + b. That may be positive or negative depending on what a and b are equal to.

How many square roots can a positive number have?

Every positive number has two square roots, though the roots are not always whole numbers (or even rational numbers). The more obvious of each numbers roots is the positive one.The positive square root of 4 is 2, because 2*2=4.The positive square root of 5 is roughly 2.236068.The other square root of a number is the negative inverse of their positive root. This is because when two negative numbers are multiplied together the negative signs "cancel out", leaving a positive number.The negative square root of 4 is -2, because -2*-2=4.The negative square root of 5 is roughly -2.236068.Zero has only one square root, itself, and no negative number has any (real number) square roots, since no number multiplied by itself will result in a negative.

Does a positive plus negative equal a negative?

If the positive number is greater than the negative, it's a positive. Ex: 8 + (-3) = 5 If the negative is greater though, then the answer is a negative. Ex: 3 + (-5) = -2

What will be the difference when subtracting two integers with different signs?

Subtracting: Positive - Negative = Positive Negative - Positive = Negative No that is not the way it goes. It is positive+negetive=either counting on which integer is bigger negative+negative=positive positive+positive=positive positive x negetive=negative negative x postitve= negative negative/positive=negative positive/negative=negetive thanks The top is right though because subtracting a negative is like adding so you could never get a negative and subtracting from a positive from negative will always be a negative. The question was for integers with different signs so you don't need to do "positive + positive"

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If you use positive numbers to represent money which you have or are owed (credit), then use negative numbers to represent debits.Remember, though, that sometimes the choice of which of the two is positive is arbitrary and depends on you. If I owe you money, the situation would be represented by a negative number in my accounts but a positive entry in yours.

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Because in an unbalanced system, the positive end a positive charge, and the negaticve end has a negative charge. Though current (which is reletive to the "positiveness" of an area) flows from positive to negative, electrons flow from negative to positive.

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If it's a pregnancy test the answer is no, A test can come back negative even though its positive. But if it's positive, it's positive 99% of the time.