2 squared is 4 3 cubed is 27 27 plus 4 is 31
To calculate 2 squared (2^2), you multiply 2 by itself, resulting in 4. To calculate 3 cubed (3^3), you multiply 3 by itself three times, resulting in 27. Finally, to find the product of 2 squared and 3 cubed, you multiply 4 by 27, resulting in 108.
99/9 + 9 = 20
Let the inegers be x+1, x+3, and x+5, these are 3 consecutive odds, we could have used x and x+1 and x+3, if x was odd Now the next part is often confusing. So let's say the sum was S, we have S=2(x+1)-5. Now, S= 3x+9 So we have 3x+9=2x+2-5 or x=-9-5+2 so x=-12 x+1=-11 which is odd x+3=-9 x+5=-7 The sum is -27 -27=2(-11)-5 So to see for usre if this works.. our sum is -27 and that is 5 less than twice -11 which is -22. That is to say -27 is 5 less than -22. Would this work with the positive integers 7, 9, and 11? The sum is 27 and the smallest is 7, but 27 does not equal 14-5, so no.
Well, darling, to draw a square with an area of 9 sq cm, each side would have to be 3 cm in length. So grab your ruler, draw four sides that are 3 cm each, and voilà, you've got yourself a 9 sq cm square. Just make sure those sides are straighter than my martini! Cheers!
4=4(3s) 4=12s s= 1/3
NINE, because 9*3 = 27 or 27/3 = 9
(33 + 3!) / 3 = (33 + 6) / 3 = 39 / 3 = 13.
Use two of the 3s to make 33. Then: 33 - 3 = 11 11 + 3 = 14
9 3's go into to 27
Because 3 x 3 x 3 = 27
Use four 5's to make 6
Three cubed minus three equals twenty four.
(4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 3 + 3) * 2= 44 What? I used 4 4's. its better than the last answer; "u make 44 2 times 44 & 44"
.111m/s, east because 6-3=3 and 36-9=27 so 3 divided by 27 is .111m/s