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If B is between P and Q, then:


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Q: If B is between P and Q?
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Can the product of two rational numbers be irrational?

No.Suppose a and b are two rational numbers.Then they can be written as follows: a = p/q, b = r/s where p, q, r and s are integers and q, s >0.Then a*b = (p*r)/(q*s).Using the properties of integers, p*r and q*s are integers and q*s is non-zero. So a*b can be expressed as a ratio of two integers and so the product is rational.

What formula is used to find the length between two points in a coordinate plane?

It is the Pythagorean distance formmula.If P = (x1, y1) and Q = (x2, y2) thenDistance between P and Q = sqrt[(x1 - x2)2 + (y1 - y2)2]It is the Pythagorean distance formmula.If P = (x1, y1) and Q = (x2, y2) thenDistance between P and Q = sqrt[(x1 - x2)2 + (y1 - y2)2]It is the Pythagorean distance formmula.If P = (x1, y1) and Q = (x2, y2) thenDistance between P and Q = sqrt[(x1 - x2)2 + (y1 - y2)2]It is the Pythagorean distance formmula.If P = (x1, y1) and Q = (x2, y2) thenDistance between P and Q = sqrt[(x1 - x2)2 + (y1 - y2)2]

How do you write twice the difference of p and q?

Well, darling, to write twice the difference of p and q, you simply calculate 2 times (p - q). It's as easy as baking a pie, just double the result of subtracting q from p. So, go ahead and show those numbers who's boss!

Which letter comes midway between M and T?

There are six letters between M and T. They are n, o, p, q, r, and s. The midway point is in the middle between P and Q, so there is no one letter midway between M and T. If you must have an answer, it would be both P and Q.

What does p over q mean in algebra?

P! / q!(p-q)!

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Relationship between diagonals and sides of a parallelogram?

p^2+q^2=2(a^2+b^2) where p,q=diagonals of the parallelogram a,b=sides of the parallelogram

What is the relationship between the roots of quadratic?

Suppose the roots a quadratic, in the form ax2 + bx + c = 0, are p and q. Then p + q = -b/a and pq = c/a

Calculate the number p and q?

p/q form of the number is 0.3 is: (A) (B)

Prove that if a and b are rational numbers then a multiplied by b is a rational number?

If a is rational then there exist integers p and q such that a = p/q where q&gt;0. Similarly, b = r/s for some integers r and s (s&gt;0) Then a*b = p/q * r/s = (p*r)/(q*s) Now, since p, q r and s are integers, p*r and q*s are integers. Also, q and s &gt; 0 means that q*s &gt; 0 Thus a*b can be expressed as x/y where p and r are integers implies that x = p*r is an integer q and s are positive integers implies that y = q*s is a positive integer. That is, a*b is rational.

What is the geometrical proof of a-b whole square?

Given the graphic capability of this site, you are going to have to use some imagination! &lt;---------a---------&gt; &lt;---a-b---&gt;&lt;--b--&gt; +-----------+-------+ |...............|..........| |.......P......|....Q...| |...............|..........| +-----------+-------+ |.......R......|....S....| |...............|..........| +-----------+-------+ In the above graphic, P, S and the whole figure are meant to be squares. The total area is P+Q+R+S = a2 P = (a-b)2 Q = b*(a-b) = (a-b)*b = a*b - b2 R = (a-b)*b = a*b = a*b - b2 and S = b2 Now, P = {P+Q+R+S} - Q - R - S = a2 - ab + b2 - ab + b2 - b2 = a2 - 2ab + b2

If p q and q r what is the relationship between the values p and r?

Ifp < q and q < r, what is the relationship between the values p and r? ________________p

Unscramble b o q n s p e?

how to un b o q n s p e

If a divides b and b divides a then a is equal to b?

If a divides b and b divides a then either a is equal to b or a is equal to -b. Additional note: if a divides b, there exist a p such that ap=b. and if b divides a, there exist a q such that a=bq. then ap=(bq)p=b =&gt; b(1-pq)=0 =&gt; pq=1 since b!=0 =&gt; p=q=1 or p=q=-1 =&gt; a=b or a=-b

How do we find an irrational number between two rational numbers?

If a and b are rational, with a &lt; b, then a + (b-a) [sqrt(2)/ 2] is an irrational number between a and b. This number is between a and b because sqrt(2)/2 is less than one and positive, so that a &lt; a + (b-a) [sqrt(2)/3] &lt; a + (b-a) [1] = b. To prove that a + (b-a) [sqrt(2)/2] is not rational, suppose that a + (b-a) [sqrt(2)/2] = p/q where p and q are integers. Then, sqrt(2) = ( p/q -a ) 2/(b-a) which is rational since the rationals are a field, closed under arithmetical operation, but sqrt(2) not rational

What is the Analogy for d is B as r is to p or T or q or P?


What is the answer to the analogy d is to B as r is to either p T q or P?

d is to B as r is to P

Can the product of two rational numbers be irrational?

No.Suppose a and b are two rational numbers.Then they can be written as follows: a = p/q, b = r/s where p, q, r and s are integers and q, s >0.Then a*b = (p*r)/(q*s).Using the properties of integers, p*r and q*s are integers and q*s is non-zero. So a*b can be expressed as a ratio of two integers and so the product is rational.