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Since the imaginary portion of a real number is zero, the complex conjugate of a real number is the same number.
yes. an irrational number is any real number that is not a rational number
Numbers are split into real and imaginary. Rational numbers are under the category: Real. Therefore all rational numbers are real. An irrational number is also real, but can not be expressed as a fraction.
A real life example of a cliff are the white cliffs of Dover.
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I think you can answer this question on your own. Find a number, anywhere (house number, price of a hot dog, phone number). These all use real numbers.
There are many situations where integers are simply not enough. However, "real numbers" are mainly of theoretical importance; for most practical situations, numbers that have a limited number of decimals work quite well.
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Virtually every number in one's daily life is a real number. The only exceptions occurwhen an individual is a mathematician, a Physicist, or an electrical engineer workingwith AC.So considering the population as a whole, it's nearly correct to say that the real numbershave all of the importance, and no non-real numbers are important at all.
shopping, travel, measurements and money are the real life applications of real number system.
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What Is his number
mathimatics is important in our daily lifes because it is important.
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