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Q: What are the answers to math superstars uranus IV?
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What is the answer to math superstars III uranus IV question 2?

Sorry, we don't have access to the questions. And that is definitely not how a math superstar gets an answer.

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Iv tried its impossible.

The importance of math in nursing?

Math is important in nursing especially working with pediatrics. Math is used to calculate medicine dosages and administer the right dose. It is used from pills to liquids to IV solutions.

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I was wondering the same thing, iv had a look online and iv read that its mostly math type questions.

Why is math so hard for me when everyone else thinks its easy?

i know iv been doin it for a frickin hour

How does a vet uses math on the work they do?

They use mostly arithmetic in calculating dose of medications and rates of IV fluids.

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For what conditions may iv remicade therapy be prescribed?

What do you think a vets job would be like without math?

Extremely difficult - without math you couldn't calculate drug dosages, IV fluid rates or bills for services rendered.

Is Grand Theft Auto iv better than Grand Theft Auto iv lost and dammed?

gta4:lad has only 22 story missions... gta4 has over 100... you do the math =D

How do you solve sine theta equal to negative one half?

Consider angles in standard position, and note that for the equation sin θ = 0.5, the angle in the first quadrant is θ = 30° The sin function is positive in quadrants I and II, and negative in quadrants III and IV, so there are two basic answers, one in quadrant III and another in quadrant IV. In quadrant III, the angle is 180° + 30° = 210° In quadrant IV, the angle is 360° - 30° = 330° Of course, this is a wave function so there are an infinite number of answers. You can add full circles (i.e. multiples of 360°) to either of these answers to get more answers. In quadrant III, the angles are 210°, 570°, 930°, ... In quadrant IV, the angles are 330°, 690°, 1050°, ...

How many drops of ringer lactate should be given per minute as iv infusion?

A drop of water is about 50 uL. You need to know the rate that is ordered and then do the math.

What are all the math classes you need to be a nurse?

Most colleges require 1 class each of Chemistry and Algebra. My nursing school also included Nursing Math in their program that teaches medication doses and figuring IV drip rates. Hope this helps