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A = 2x(x - 2) = 2x2 - 4x

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Q: What is the area of a tile that has sides length of X-2 and 2x?
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What do you do to find the surface area of a shape?

Rectangular Prisim 2x(area of front)+2x(area of side)+x2(area of length) Cube 2x(area of side)+2x(area of side)+2x(area of side)

Why difference between area and perimeter is always 4 if one side of a rectangle is 2?

We can answer this by analyzing the algebraic formulas for perimeter and area of any given rectangle. Assuming the length of the rectangle is 2 and the width is x we have the following diagram (ignore the periods they are just spacers since won't let me format a diagram properly): ... _____x______ ...|......................| 2 |......................| 2 ...|___________| ............ x Area is found by multiplying the length times width, so we get: A = 2x The perimeter is found by adding all the sides, thus: P = x + x + 2 + 2 which simplifies to the following: P = 2x + 4 Here we can see that since A = 2x, and P = 2x + 4, that by using substitution (plugging in A where 2x is in the P formula) we find the formula for perimeter is the Area plus 4: P = A + 4 So this shows that for any rectangle with a side length of 2 and another of any length x, the perimeter will always be 4 more than the area.

The length of a rectangle is twice its width If the perimeter is 84cm what are the dimensions of the rectangle?

Let the length be 2x and the width be x: Perimeter = 2(2x+x) = 84 4x+2x = 84 6x = 84 Divide both sides of the equation by 6 to find the value of x: x = 14 Therefore: length = 28cm and width = 14cm

The length of a rectangle is five feet more than twice its width and the area of the rectangle is sixty-three Find the dimensions of the rectangle?

Let the width = X. The length is twice the width plus 5. So the length must be 2X + 5. Area = 63 ft squared = X multiplied by 2X + 5 = 2X squared + 25. 2X squared = 63 - 25 = 38 2X = square root of 38. Therefore the width is the square root of 38 divided by 2 and the length is the square root of 38 plus 5.

What is the answer to this math problem The area of a rectangular computer screen is 4x2 plus 20x plus 16 The width of the screen is 2x plus 8 What is the length of the screen?

Area = 4x2 + 20x + 16 Width = 2x + 8 Length = ? To begin, we will factorise all the expressions Area = 4(x2 + 5x + 4) = 4(x+1)(x+4) Width = 2(x+4) Length = ? The formula for Area is given by: Area = Length . Width (A dot has been used to represent multiplication in the above formula so as not to confuse it with the variable x) Substituting in our expressions for Area and Width gives: 4(x+1)(x+4) = Length . 2(x+4) Dividing both sides by 2(x+4) to solve for Length gives an answer of: Length = 2(x+1) If you look at the width and the length expressions, the width is longer than the length (which shouldn't be possible). It is most likely a mistake in the question.

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The width of a rectangle is half as long as the length the rectangle has an area of 200 square feet what are the length and width of the rectangle?

Let the width be 2x and the length be x: width*length = area 2x*x = 200 sq ft 2x2 = 200 Divide both sides by 2 and then square root both sides: x = 10 Therefore: length = 10 ft and width = 20 ft

What do you do to find the surface area of a shape?

Rectangular Prisim 2x(area of front)+2x(area of side)+x2(area of length) Cube 2x(area of side)+2x(area of side)+2x(area of side)

The length of a rectangle is twice the width and diagonal is 25cm work out the area of the rectangle?

Let length be 2x and the width be x and use Pythagoras' theorem: 2x2+x2 = 252 3x2 = 625 Divide both sides by 3 and then square root both sides: x = 14.43375673 cm 2x = 28.86751346 cm Area = 2x*x = 416 and 2/3 square cm

How do you find the length and width when the area is 8x2 plus 2x-3?

Given the area, there is no justification for assuming that it refers to a rectangular area: it could be circular, triangular or an even irregular shape.However, if you make the totally unjustified assumption that it is a rectangle, then8x^2 + 2x - 3 = (4x + 3)*(2x - 1)Therefore the two lengths are 4x + 3 and 2x - 1.Conventionally, the length is the larger of the two sides and so, for positive solutions, the length is 4x + 3 units while the width is 2x - 1 units.

The area of the garden is 50 square feet and the length of the garden is twice the width What is the length of the fence?

The formula for finding the area of a rectcngle is: L * W = A Let x represent the width and 2x represent the length (twice the width). Set up the equation and solve: 2x * x = 50 (then simplify) 2x² = 50 (then divide both sides to find the value of x²) x² = 25 (then find the square root of 25 to solve for x) x = 5 the width (x) = 5, and the length (2x) = 10

What is the area of the square with a side length of 2x?

The area is 4x2 square units

The length of a rectangle is twice its width If the perimeter of the rectangle is 60cm find its area?

First find the dimensions of the rectangle. Let its length be 2x and its width be x: 2(2x+x) = 60 4x+2x = 60 6x = 60 x = 10 Therefore: length = 20cm and the width = 10cm Area = length*width Area = 200cm2

What percentage of the square is occupied by the circle when it is inscribed in a square and tangent at all four sides?

Say the radius of the circle is x. This makes the area of the circle pi x2. Since the length of the square's sides is the diameter of the circle, 2x, its area is 2x * 2x = 4x2. The percentage occupied by the circle is the area of the circle divided by the area of the square times 100 pi/4 x 100; pi/4 x 100 = 100pi/4 = 25pi = 78.6%.

Why does the perimeter of a square double when you double the sides of a square?

The perimeter is the sum of the sides. So if a square has a side of length 1, its perimeter is 1+1+1=1 = 4 If a square has a side doubled to length 2, its perimeter is 2+2+2+2 = 8, or double what it was before. Mathematically, if each side is length x it perimeter is x + x + x = X = 4x If each side is length 2x, its perimeter is 2x +2x+2x+2x = 8x

How much does the surface area increase?

It will increase by a factor of 4; in other words, it will be 4 times greater. Given that all sides of a cube are of equal dimension, I will call this variable dimension x. The surface area is, therefore, x2. If the side of the cube is doubled (2x), then the surface area would be (2x)(2x) = (2x)2 = 4x2. So: x --> 2x (the side length is doubled) x2 --> 4x2 (the surface area is quadrupled)

How do you find the area of a square when the length of a side is 2x-1?


What is the area of a rectangle width equals 2x - 5 length equals 4?

Width = 2x - 5Length = 4Area = (length) x (width) = 8x - 20